Ban Jamie Leigh From Blogs

I call upon the blo­gos­phere to ban Jamie Leigh from blogs. Report her to MT-Blacklist so that her URL, jamieleigh​.net, and her name are banned from com­ment­ing on MT blogs. Bloggers using oth­er sys­tems should do the same. I have already banned her per­ma­nent­ly from the Saturday Slant and my site, but she con­tin­ues to plague the rest of the blo­gos­phere. It isn’t enough to sim­ply add her to our local black­lists; she’ll find oth­er blogs to exploit. Send Jamie Leigh a mes­sage that we aren’t beneath her, that she can’t sim­ply use us to fur­ther her own dil­lu­sion of celebrity.

Jamie Leigh is an annoy­ance to, and blight upon the col­lec­tive ass of, the blo­gos­phere and the Internet itself. She crap posts/blog spams with incred­i­bly long (usu­al­ly more than 1,000 words) pre-written, non-sensical essay com­ments total­ly unre­lat­ed to the blog and post to which it is spammed. She does this to raise her rank­ing in Google. Do a Google search for “ ‘Jamie Leigh’ and blog” to see all the blogs she’s spammed in the last three years. If you get more than a cou­ple of com­ments on your site, she’s prob­a­bly already spammed you.

Here, the most recent exam­ple of her blog spam­ming efforts, a 1,300 word dia­tribe about wax muse­ums crap post­ed to about a dozen blogs (that I’ve found with 5 min­utes of research) on 30 March, 2004. 

1,300 word crap post to var­i­ous blogs on 30 March, 2004 includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to):
Amptoons Blog
Joho The Blog
The Talking Dog blog
Talk A Blue Streak blog
Alas, A Blog

More crap posts/blog spam:
Crap post­ing on The Blog Herald (12 April 2004)
Crap post­ing her press releas­es and giant pho­tos of her­self to the Saturday Slant
Locker Gnome
Another crap post­ing on the Saturday Slant (that I had removed at the time).

More info on blog spam­mer Jamie Leigh:
Celebrity Blogs’ sto­ry about Jamie Leigh’s attempts to con­vince them she’s famous. (22 Feb 2004)
A dis­sec­tion of Jamie Leigh by Cam​-Mafia​.com
Her self-written bio on Eatonweb.
Fighting Blog Spam (about halfway down the page)
The Official Jamie Leigh Fanlisting
• And, she appar­ent­ly has a very suc­cess­ful career as a porn actress. I found this via a Google search.

15 thoughts on “Ban Jamie Leigh From Blogs

  1. Supporters Of Jamie Leigh And Haters Of Long Haired Winers

    Good lord man, first of all, CUT YOUR HAIR! What on earth is that? No won­der why you have noth­ing bet­ter to do with your time then bash and pick apart beau­ti­ful peo­ple like Jamie Leigh, lmao. Try cut­ting that long mane of ugli­ness and get­ting some actu­al integri­ty and intel­li­gence. No one cares what you have to say or write and most like­ly nev­er will so your jeal­ous­ly is vam­pant in try­ing to mock a woman who many relate to, admire, and love. Mommy must have nev­er let you play with the red ball now did she? Aw, how sad… so now you are tak­ing it out on a com­put­er and spen­nd­ing your time writ­ing mean hor­ri­ble things about peo­ple you have nev­er met and can only dream of. Since there is no way you’ll have any actu­al love or atten­tion that you so des­per­ate­ly seek (yes YOU you pony-tailed, hick look­ing excuse for a writer) you go around the web look­ing at oth­ers lives and oth­ers writ­ing and have a laugh at them. Funny, you actu­al­ly think peo­ple care about any of this shit that you are writ­ing. Chop that dis­gust­ing horse hair off, get a real job, and stop tak­ing down peo­ple who are only try­ing to do their best and express them­selves. Funny how you did­n’t men­tion an ounce of why some­one might be writ­ing what they do, or the time they spend on human­i­tar­i­an efforts, I guess that’s not “google wor­thy” enough for you hm? Not juicy enough? No, you’d rather kick a horse (who you’ve seemed to clever mod­el your look after) while they are down and just try­ing to fig­ure some things out. Get a life, your OWN or you can keep writ­ing about peo­ple you secret­ly wish you could have but nev­er in any life­time will. 

    You’re so pathet­ic dude.…lmao…

    And take off that detec­tive hat, it will give that hideous mug a lit­tle sun!

  2. nagging-tux

    whoa man, i came to this archive, regard­ing Jamie Leigh. came from Justin’s site, that​sjust​notright​.com, well actu­al­ly, he men­tioned about this ‘Jamie Leigh’ so went to google it, and yours was the first. heh. now i know who “Jamie Leigh” is.. heh.. outz–

  3. already hate her

    Yet anoth­er inter­net troll…and one with fer­vent fol­low­ers. Do peo­ple have noth­ing bet­ter to do than troll the inter­net try­ing to get their 15 min­utes of fame? Maybe they should put their efforts into cur­ing can­cer or help­ing the home­less and not into dis­play­ing how unabashed­ly stu­pid they are for all the world to see. Sad day when peo­ple like JamieLeigh are cel­e­brat­ed for doing absolute­ly noth­ing useful.

  4. Jaz

    To the peo­ple who hate Jamie Leigh:

    The only rea­son why you hate her is sim­ply because you don’t under­stand shit about what she’s writ­ing. You are sim­ply not deep to get beyond her words. I feel sor­ry for men who put down oth­ers to fill up them­selves and their lit­tle ego.

    It’s sad that your lives are filled with igno­rance instead of com­pas­sion. Get well soon.

  5. Jaz

    To the peo­ple who hate Jamie Leigh:

    The only rea­son why you hate her is sim­ply because you don’t under­stand shit about what she’s writ­ing. You are sim­ply not deep to get beyond her words. I feel sor­ry for men who put down oth­ers to fill up them­selves and their lit­tle ego.

    It’s sad that your lives are filled with igno­rance instead of com­pas­sion. Get well soon.

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  8. Pariah Burke

    I can’t stop laugh­ing… This is damn fun­ny… Yes! You’re right! My hair is the cause of all my woes!

    You’re hard­ly even lit­er­ate! [LOL] In fact, you make the same spelling mis­takes that Jamie Leigh her­self (the self-proclaimed “Madonna [and whore] of the Internet”) makes. So is this Jamie Leigh try­ing to per­pet­u­ate the myth that she has a friend?

    If Ms. Leigh is so right­eous, why does she spam blogs? If she’s so famous, why must she resort to beg­ging for work?

    Here, read this and tell me why Ms. Leigh does­n’t have the temer­i­ty to respond: “An Olive Branch To Jamie Leigh

  9. Dark1

    dude.. you are so fuck­ing lame. you real­ly do need to do some­thing with your life, and the way you look. its obvi­ous you dont under­stand JL at all. its also obvi­ous to me JL is a far bet­ter, nicer, more under­stand­ing per­son than you could ever hope to be.your life is pathet­ic, you are pathet­ic and so is your website.
    it seems to me you cling to JL to try and get your own 15minutes of fame you red­neck try hard. i know why JL has­nt got back to you, because you are sim­ply not worth her time. ive seen this place before and want­ed to com­ment but you are not worth my time or the air you breathe. im only com­ment­ing now because i care for JL so much. any­hoo ive wast­ed far to much time on your lame­ness already. get a life you moron.

  10. Pariah S. Burke

    Ahahahahahah…ahaah ha ha

    I see. You can’t spell, but I’m the moron. Interestingly, you mis­spelled all the same words, in the same way, as Jamie Leigh herself.

    Answer one sim­ple ques­tion: What does Jamie Leighh do? She’s the self-proclaimed “undis­put­ed Madonna of the cyber world is back and bet­ter than ever and con­tin­ues to pave the way for oth­ers to fol­low in her inno­v­a­tive foot­steps”. I hon­est­ly want to know: What foot­steps? What makes her the Madonna of the cyber world? What the hell does she do that is so spe­cial? Does she paint? Act? Sing? What?!

    All I’ve ever seen her do is string togeth­er some­one else’s words, then spam every pop­u­lar blog she can.

  11. Dark1

    first of all, what spelling mis­takes? cant u read? cant u spell? please point out my typos as i cant see them. also are you try­ing to say u think i am/that post was from Jamie? how delud­ed you are. what does Jamie do? if u took the time to find out you would know what it is she does and what it is JL is about.what is it that you do apart from “insult” poe­ple that are try­ing to make a dif­fer­ence in this shit­ty world?are u jelous because your such a back­ward ugly red­neck? what do u do that impacts on people‘s lives? what do u do to make the world we live in a bet­ter place?u real­ly just have no idea do you? none what so ever. i pit­ty you. your eyes are glued the fuck shut. you just dont see and you prob­a­bly nev­er will. as for “spam­ming” blogs, JL has a mes­sage for peo­ple that you just dont seem to under­stand, i see noth­ing wrong with USING blogs to spread what JL is all about. what else are blogs for if not to say sumthing to some­one? get a life moron.

  12. Dark1

    also what “secu­ri­ty” issues do u have that u require peo­ple to give you thi­er email address to post?!?

  13. hahah!

    ! she’s giv­en me one good laugh. is she an elab­o­rate prank? it’s almost genius comedy. 

    either that or the inter­net has lived up to being the largest open sew­er of infor­ma­tion imaginable

  14. Wow


    i am over­whelmed at how crazy this poor lady is. Absolutely dillusional. 

    so so odd.

  15. BakedRooster

    OMG I dont usu­al­ly post just read but man this is hilar­i­ous is this girl men­tal­ly retard­ed are what. Like any­one is buy­ing her as oth­er peo­ple. like a bunch of peo­ple are going to not only stick up for but total­ly praise such a nobody. LOL

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