Creative Community Bulletin 03 July 2009 Through 09 July 2009

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 03 July 2009 through 09 July 2009:

  • Vjoon Unveils SaaS Option of its InDesign-Based Web Publishing Solution – The K4 pub­lish­ing sys­tem from Vjoon — which used to be named SoftCare — is used by a lot of big name pub­lish­ers whose titles include BusinessWeek, Cosmopolitan, GQ, New York Magazine, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker — among oth­ers.

    K4 moves on from its pre­de­ces­sor’s local-install require­ments to be avail­able as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), with the addi­tion­al ben­e­fit of com­pa­nies being able to rent (from an inte­gra­tion part­ner) any required hard­ware as well, allow­ing small­er busi­ness­es to expand cheap­ly and larg­er ones to flex­i­bly work around project sizes.

  • Big Budget Office 2010 Promo Video – What a waste of Microsoft’s mon­ey. This Office 2010 pro­mo video does­n’t even SHOW Microsoft Office–2010 or any ver­sion. Clearly, Microsoft STILL does­n’t under­stand how to com­mu­ni­cate to its appli­ca­tions’ audiences.
  • Font Tools Now Bundled with TypeBook Creator – Buy the Studio or Corporate ver­sions of TypeBook Creator and receive a free font man­ag­er, Font Tools. Veenix TypeBook Creator was devel­oped for Mac graph­ic pro­fes­sion­als and allows them to eas­i­ly cre­ate and print type spec­i­men books and font sam­ple sheets of their fonts.
  • TypeTalk: Top Ten Type Resources Online – We type lovers are vora­cious read­ers about our favorite sub­ject. Check out this list to see if your pre­ferred online resource is rep­re­sent­ed, and to pos­si­bly find a new favorite.
  • What makes a suc­cess­ful Graphic Designer – Natural Talent or Design Degrees? – Last week­end my niece was too insis­tent, ask­ing me to accom­pa­ny her to an exhi­bi­tion at her Design School. She believed that I will be tak­en aback by the remark­able design projects of fresh grads and trust me I did not regret my approval. However, look­ing at the cre­ative art­pieces of those young chaps made a ques­tion tick in my mind, which we all don’t think of answer­ing seri­ous­ly.

    Why was it that all the stu­dents from the same col­lege, same badge with the same graph­ic design lessons did not come up with equal­ly remark­able work? Today I want you all to help me clear this con­fu­sion… when so many peo­ple are going through the same edu­ca­tion­al process but why only few suc­ceed to come up with extra­or­di­nary creations?

  • Free For All: The Best Things In Life – What do you feel like? Textures? Illustrator brush­es? A Photoshop brush view­er? Faxes? Or how about a util­i­ty that nev­er for­gets? Why not take ’em all – they’re free!
  • Ceiling Porn (WORK SAFE) #Design #InteriorDesign #IndustrialDesign #Inspiration – I’m a big fan of ceil­ings and it nev­er fails to amaze me how dras­ti­cal­ly they can change the appear­ance and atmos­phere of a space yet at the same time be com­plete­ly ignored by most of the room’s occu­pants. it’s incred­i­ble how some peo­ple live their lives look­ing either straight ahead or down at the ground, the only ceil­ing they ever notice being the one above the bed.
  • In-Desk USB Hub – 3 inch – This is neat! What a great idea, Belkin!
  • Facebook hails new pri­va­cy con­trols, chal­lenges Twitter with sta­tus­es view­able by the web at large – Jul. 3, 2009 – New Facebook fea­tures, cur­rent­ly in beta, bring pri­va­cy lev­els to sta­tus mes­sages and indi­vid­ual post­ed items. You’ll be able to lim­it your sta­tus mes­sages and
  • Shooting at Arlington Apple Store [News Video] – a female employ­ee at the Arlington Apple Store was shot in the shoul­der this morn­ing by a man who rang the door­bell at the back of the store. Fortunately the employ­ee is said to be recov­er­ing in hos­pi­tal. It’s thought the motive was attempt­ed robbery.