Creative Community Bulletin 08 April 2011 Through 16 April 2011

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 08 April 2011 through 16 April 2011:

  • How to run Android Apps and Games on your Windows PC | The Windows Club – Ever wished you could run some Android App or Game on your Windows PC? A soon to be pub­licly launched app will bring the Android oper­at­ing sys­tem to Windows-based com­put­ers via a vir­tu­al­iza­tion lay­er. Enter BlueStacks!
  • Flock, the Social Browser, Shuts Down 26 April – Support for Flock browsers will be dis­con­tin­ued as of April 26th, 2011. We would like to thank our loy­al users around the world for their sup­port, and we encour­age the Flock com­mu­ni­ty to migrate in the com­ing weeks to one of the rec­om­mend­ed web browsers list­ed below.
  • Want To Know Your Co-Workers’ Salaries? – Meet SalaryShare, a sim­ple salary com­par­i­son ser­vice that lets you anony­mous­ly pool salaries with your co-workers, friends, peo­ple on Twitter or any­one you feel com­pet­i­tive with real­ly. Create a pool, send the link to four peo­ple who will dis­close their salaries and the site will reveal the salary span, with­out reveal­ing who makes what.
  • 3D Artworks That Create Unbelievable Optical Illusion On Street | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers – If you are search­ing for some great 3D street paint­ings, you come at right place because in this post we are show­cas­ing some awe­some paint­ings which demon­strate the 3D street art. We have care­ful­ly select­ed these paint­ings and are very much sure that you will like this assort­ment, and the cred­it of which must be giv­en to their cre­ator who have been prac­tic­ing outstandingly.
  • Eau, water pic­ture! Artist Markus Reugels makes a splash with his amaz­ing port­fo­lio of liq­uid droplets | Mail Online – They could almost be mis­tak­en for images tak­en in the far-reaches of out­er space, or an ultra-magnified snap­shot of micro­scop­ic organ­isms.

    However look again, for these incred­i­ble pic­tures are the work of artist Markus Reugels who has turned to one of the most abun­dant resources on the plan­et to cre­ate these strange and beau­ti­ful por­traits – water.

    The 33-year-old German artist com­bined water droplets with food colour­ing and cre­ative light­ing to make these vibrant images, which were only able to be cap­tured with high-speed cam­era equipment.

  • 50 rea­sons not to date a graph­ic design­er « a bour­bon for sil­via – This is by no means a warn­ing to AttentionWhore, or maybe this is – but after 8 months it may be too late, so…
    (in bold my most representatives)
  • Superpowers Mega Chart: They Are ALL Here | Bit Rebels – Pop Chart Lab put togeth­er one of the most intri­cate and detailed info­graph­ics I have ever seen. The sheer time it must have tak­en to put this togeth­er is just mind bog­gling. The result; how­ev­er, would make a per­fect wait­ing room poster. Once you start look­ing at it, you can’t real­ly stop. It’s one of those posters where you just get sucked in and instant­ly get addict­ed to its awe­some­ness and ulti­mate­ly use­less information.
  • Put Down Your Crayons | idea­sonideas – Sadly, a great many design­ers don’t feel like doing this kind of work. Instead, they want to be artists who only explore visu­al­ly. I don’t blame them, but I do believe this bias leaves them miss­ing out. This sort of tun­nel vision can unnec­es­sar­i­ly lim­it one from tak­ing on the real­ly inter­est­ing parts of the work.

    While I’m as excit­ed as any­one else about nov­el visu­al approach­es and design details, the part that real­ly blows my hair back is the “big idea.” I love how arriv­ing at one of these estab­lish­es a plat­form for what we’re doing for a client. I also appre­ci­ate how this kind of approach to prob­lem solv­ing posi­tions our agency as a group of thinkers, instead of just a bunch of visu­al stylists.

  • Download – 3.0 Browser – Maxthon International – The only brows­er designed for the whole web. Dual
    dis­play engines (pow­ered by Trident and Webkit) and
    the web’s fastest Javascript engine (V8) make every
    web­site sing — fast.
  • Superhero Type to the Rescue! | CreativePro​.com – It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s an alpha­bet!

    Fabian Gonzalez has cre­at­ed a wit­ty alpha­bet in which each let­ter rep­re­sents a super­hero; for example:

  • - Terrierman’s Daily Dose - – in 2008 PETA killed 95.8 per­cent of the dogs, cats and oth­er pets put into its care last year