I'm Funny

I have to call my moth­er and tell her she was­n’t full of it.

I just got an e‑mail from a mag­a­zine edi­tor com­pli­ment­ing my abil­i­ty to write humor­ous­ly in a how-to arti­cle to appear in her pub­li­ca­tion. Humor, she notes, is a very dif­fi­cult writ­ing style to pull off.

As I told the edi­tor in response, I’m always wor­ried that my moth­er lied to me and that I’m real­ly not fun­ny. So, now that I’ve got­ten this inde­pen­dent val­i­da­tion, I have to call my mom and begrudg­ing­ly admit that she real­ly was­n’t full of it all these years.

I won­der what else she was right about. I won­der if this also means I real­ly am the most hand­some boy in the world…