The Holy Grail of Page Layout

Yup, call­ing some­thing the Holy Grail is pret­ty bold–and overused. In this case, how­ev­er, it real­ly does apply.

Yesterday I released Page Control, a plug-in for InDesign CS and InDesign CS2, devel­oped in coop­er­a­tion with DTP Tools. Page Control answers a need left open for 22 years: The abil­i­ty to cre­ate a sin­gle doc­u­ment with mul­ti­ple page sizes in a top-end desk­top pub­lish­ing and page lay­out application.

Adobe’s InDesign is that top-end appli­ca­tion, and InDesign is used in hun­dreds of dif­fer­ent types of lay­out and pub­lish­ing work­flows in hun­dreds of thou­sands of agen­cies around the world. A fair per­cent­age of InDesign users need to put a fold-out or over­sized sheet into a multi-page pub­li­ca­tion with page num­bers some­where, at some time. To date, they’ve had to do that by cre­at­ing at least three InDesign documents–one for the nor­mal pages lead­ing up to the over­sized page, the over­sized page itself, and the third to han­dle nor­mal pages fol­low­ing the over­sized. Every over- or odd-sized page in the pub­li­ca­tion required two more InDesign files. I’ve seen more than 50 InDesign files being cre­at­ed, edit­ed, and jug­gled soley because it was the only way to work around InDesign’s one document:one page size limitation.

I devised and part­nered with DTP Tools to cre­ate Page Control specif­i­cal­ly to pre­vent the waste of time, mon­ey, and brain pow­er imposed by that lim­i­ta­tion with­in InDesign. Now the one-document, one-page-size par­a­digm has been bro­ken. It’s time to work smarter.

We announced Page Control 24 hours ago. The response has already been phe­nom­i­nal from those pub­li­ca­tions lim­bre enough to report about it in such a short time. And more keeps coming.

Page Control is in a pub­lic beta phase–you have the chance to try it out free and shape the final result. We’ll release the fin­ished prod­uct in 3 weeks.

Care to read the offi­cial press release and down­load your copy of Page Control for InDesign CS/CS2 on Mac or Windows?

1 thought on “The Holy Grail of Page Layout

  1. romy klessen

    This devel­op­ment rates a “stun­ning­ly won­der­ful” in my book! …and I rarely give those out .

    I teach in a tech school Graphics pro­gram, so most of my day-to-day life involves instruct­ing begin­ning pro­fes­sion­als in lay­out and design. Being able to keep all parts of the same job in the same file is not only a high­ly efficient/practical solu­tion but would also elim­i­nate those many lost files orphaned from their cohort buddies.

    For too long, I’ve been telling my stu­dents, “the only way I know of to ulti­mate­ly join doc­u­ments of mixed sizes in the same file is to go the PDF-route.” (Most begin­ners just are not yet ready to face mak­ing booked publications.)

    now, if ONLY I could have the _other_ thing I’ve always want­ed: bet­ter con­trol over the doc­u­ment grids. For exam­ple (1) to be able to view (hide/show) the page lay­out grid on the paste­board only and NOT on the doc­u­ment pages. This would be _such_ a help in mak­ing sure images were appro­pri­ate­ly sized/cropped ear­ly on in the lay­out process (do it on the paste­board, then move them to spe­cif­ic pages). And for copyfitting…

    And while I’m dream­ing… (2) to have page lay­out grids asso­ci­at­ed to the mas­ter pages to more eas­i­ly deter­mine which grid would be the best for a giv­en publication/layout. That is, I want the grid (“graph paper”) prefs to be NOT document-level, but spe­cif­ic to mas­ters I’m using, both on the page and off it, on the paste­board. Ruler guides on mul­ti­ple mas­ters will do this _on_ the page, but not _off_, where I find the con­cept more useful.

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