Orbitz... And Go Nowhere!™

Orbitz... And Go Nowhere!™

Trying to book a flight and hotel room on Orbitz is un-fucking-believably painful. My reser­va­tions have been inprocess (and uncon­firmed) for going on three hours now.

After an infor­ma­tion­al dry run last night, I went to Orbitz ear­ly this after­noon to make my book­ings. I went through the search, and, from the list of avail­able flights, chose one, and clicked the “Book It”.

We’re sor­ry. An error has occured. Please try again.

I tried again.

We’re sor­ry. An error has occured. Please try again.

I chose the next flight down.

We’re sor­ry. An error has occured. Please try again.

Again. And again, and again.

We’re sor­ry. An error has occured. Please try again.

I jumped up a hun­dred bucks and tried to book that flight.

We’re sor­ry. An error has occured. Please try again.

None of them would book. So, assum­ing there was an error on the web­site, I called Orbitz. It only took a lightning-quick 25 min­utes to get to the flight book­ings depart­ment, who told me that the rates on Orbitz​.com updat­ed so fre­quent­ly that they could­n’t be relied upon from the time of the search through the 30 sec­onds it takes to scroll down and click the “Book It” button.

All my desired flights, I was told, were no longer avail­able, though the site showed the oper­a­tor and me that they were. “You have to give our site time to update,” she said a few times dur­ing our 20 minute con­ver­sa­tion. From start to fin­ish, noth­ing had changed on the site despite flush­ing my brows­er cache and access­ing from a sec­ond computer.

She tried blam­ing my com­put­er a few times, but then reluc­tant­ly con­firmed that she saw the same results as I. Still, she said, it was­n’t her fault.

She would hap­pi­ly book me on a flight with unus­able depar­ture times (I would have to have flown out of Boston dur­ing the mid­dle of my meet­ing) and for more than $100 more than the still quot­ed price for the flight.

From this, am I to infer that Orbitz is in the busi­ness of bait-and-switch? The flight book­ings oper­a­tor said every­thing short of that phrase.

I’m wait­ing for a call back now from the vaca­tions pack­age specialist–flight book­ings oper­a­tors “aren’t trained to book” hotel rooms. The vaca­tions pack­age spe­cial­ist was pro­fes­sion­al and very, very cus­tomer ser­vice ori­ent­ed. She was every­thing the first cou­ple of oper­a­tors were not.

Christ! I hope I get to book a flight et al soon before the rates hikes have me tak­ing out a sec­ond mortgage!

5 thoughts on “Orbitz... And Go Nowhere!™

  1. DancingRainGirl

    When in doubt talk to a human, I think that the loss of the trav­el pro­fes­sion­al is very regretable, and not worth the few dol­lars that you might save in your wal­let but lose in aggra­va­tion.… Happy trails

  2. DancingRainGirl

    When in doubt talk to a human, I think that the loss of the trav­el pro­fes­sion­al is very regretable, and not worth the few dol­lars that you might save in your wal­let but lose in aggra­va­tion.… Happy trails

  3. Lorena

    Wow. I just booked a flight to Boston, using Travelocity. I had a moment of regret after­wards that I had­n’t even looked at prices on Orbitz… so, and not that this will make you feel any bet­ter, thanks for get­ting rid of my guilt!

  4. Pariah Burke

    I was talk­ing with a human.

    I tried the web­site for a half-hour (total), then spent more than five addi­tion­al hours on the phone with peo­ple in var­i­ous depart­ments try­ing to get a flight and room booked. After many erro­neous Orbitz state­ments, then help­ful false starts, excit­ed almost-theres, and crush­ing­ly dis­ap­point­ing last minute fail­ures, I hung up the phone and went back to the site.

    At 7pm (I had start­ed at noon and had done noth­ing but deal with Orbitz in the inter­im) I tried once more on the web­site. This time it worked. I wound up with the flight and hotel I want­ed for $250+ less than what Orbitz per­son­nel told me on the phone was the best they could do.

    After I paid Orbitz​.com I called the air­lines and hotel to con­firm my reservations–I did­n’t trust Orbutz.

    Long sto­ry short: I’m booked. I’m fly­ing out, and I have a place to stay. The rental car I’ll take care of on my own, with­out Orbitz’s help.

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