Marvel and Disney Character Mash-Ups

While work­ing in the Toontown space sta­tion our heroes expe­ri­enced a cos­mic storm that left the bewil­dered friends dazed and for­ev­er altered. Each tak­ing on pow­ers and abil­i­ties far beyond those …

Batman's New Bat-Mobile Gets Better Gas Mileage

via peo​ple​ofwal​mart​.com In tough eco­nom­ic times even the Batman must cut costs where he can. A new, higher-gas-mileage Batmobile and shop­ping for Bat-supplies at Wal-Mart is a good start.

12 Weirdest Barbie-Inspired Dolls

via odd​ee​.com ROFL One night about 15 years ago I spent 3 hours on the phone with a friend just com­ing up with ideas for weird, off­beat, or irrev­er­ent Barbies. Many of our ideas …

Hey, At Least He Drives a Prius

via david​kru​lik​.com Print cam­paign excus­es the ques­tion­able behav­ior of Prius dri­vers because “Hey, at least they dri­ve a Prius.”