Plan To Reduce Spam: Tip

I got this e‑mail from Arianna at http://​blog​.real​i​ty​crutch​.com/ about my Plan To Reduce Spam:

Hi I liked your spam plan, I’ve been doing what I can but did­n’t think of key­ing address­es, great idea. I looked to see how you cre­at­ed a safe mail­to, very cool! I sus­pect­ed the NOSPAM in address­es was­n’t safe any more, and did­n’t know how else to pro­tect it, so I cre­at­ed a mail­to in Flash and embed­ded that in my pages. Also, thanks for the meme links :) 

I think embed­ding a mail­to in a Flash image is a fan­tas­tic idea. Thanks for shar­ing, Arianna!

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