New Kind of Notice to Facebook About Your Privacy & Personal Info

This is not the same old pri­va­cy notice to Facebook.

[Originally post­ed to my Facebook account.]

Dear Facebook,

This is an offi­cial notice that, as a ratio­nal adult with a mod­icum of com­mon sense using your ser­vice, I real­ize that noth­ing I post ON YOUR SERVICE can be con­strued by ANY COURT in the United States as “due notice” of any­thing, much less my dis­agree­ment with poli­cies I IMPLICITLY, LEGALLY, BINDINGLY agree to agree with BY POSTING my notice ON YOUR SERVICE.

Further, let this post serve as offi­cial (but total­ly irrel­e­vant, non-binding, unen­force­able) notice that I, as a savvy con­sumer of your ser­vice, am well aware that by mere­ly con­tin­u­ing to use your ser­vice while the new Privacy Policy and Terms of Service are in effect I’ve ALREADY giv­en you ALL the per­mis­sion and right you need to legal­ly make use of my pro­file, pho­to, and all my oth­er stuff for what­ev­er pur­pos­es you state in said Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. I may not LIKE what you intend to do with my pro­file, pho­to, et al, but that, of course, gives me the very clear and sim­ple choice of NOT PROVIDING any of that infor­ma­tion to you by dis­con­tin­u­ing use of your ser­vice. In light of these facts, should I elect of my own free will to con­tin­ue using your ser­vice, I rec­og­nize that I should stop whining.



PLEASE SHARE THIS TO YOUR FACEBOOK If you care AT ALL about your Facebook pri­va­cy and what Facebook is doing to us!!!!!!