The Cutthroat (and Sophomoric) Literary World

A glitch this week in’s site soft­ware revealed the real names of thou­sands of peo­ple who had post­ed anony­mous reviews of books… And it revealed a whole new world of cut­throat, pet­ty, and often juve­nile behav­ior among pub­lished authors and the lit­er­ary com­mu­ni­ty as a whole.

Amazon glitch unmasks war of review­ers | CNET News​.com

Author Katha Pollitt men­tioned that she had con­sid­ered anony­mous­ly post­ing a nasty review on her ex-boyfriend’s new girl­friend’s Amazon page, but refrained from doing so. In an inter­view, how­ev­er, she said she had chas­tised a friend whose book had no reviews on Amazon when it came out, telling her to have friends post some. The friend fol­lowed her advice, but Pollitt was dis­ap­point­ed. ‘I’m think­ing what kind of friends are these? They’ve only writ­ten one sentence.’