Creative Community Bulletin 03 December 2010 Through 05 January 2011

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 03 December 2010 through 05 January 2011:

  • Use Drive Mirroring for Instant Backup in Windows 7 – How-To Geek – Even with the best back­up solu­tion, a hard dri­ve crash means you’ll lose a few hours of work. By enabling dri­ve mir­ror­ing in Windows 7, you’ll always have an up-to-date copy of your data.

    Windows 7’s mir­ror­ing – which is only avail­able in Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate edi­tions – is a soft­ware imple­men­ta­tion of RAID 1, which means that two or more disks are hold­ing the exact same data. The files are con­stant­ly kept in sync, so that if one of the disks fails, you won’t lose any data.

  • Quick Tip: Change the Registered Owner in Windows – How-To Geek – If you’ve ever won­dered how to change the name of the per­son that Windows is reg­is­tered to, this is the quick tip for you. It’s not all that use­ful, but it might come in handy if you got a com­put­er from some­body else.

    Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search box, and then locate the fol­low­ing reg­istry key:

  • Add “Take Ownership” to Explorer Right-Click Menu in Win 7 or Vista – How-To Geek – Taking own­er­ship of sys­tem files or fold­ers in Windows 7 or Vista is not a sim­ple task. Whether you use the GUI or the com­mand line, it takes far too many steps.

    Thankfully some­body cre­at­ed a reg­istry hack that will give you a menu item for “Take Ownership” that will han­dle all the steps for you. (If you are the per­son that orig­i­nal­ly made this script, let me know and I’ll give you credit)

  • How to Enable or Disable the Libraries Feature in Windows 7 – How-To Geek – If you just can’t get used to the new Libraries fea­ture in Windows 7, you can eas­i­ly dis­able it with a reg­istry hack—though we’d rec­om­mend learn­ing about the ben­e­fits instead of dis­abling it.
  • Change Your Windows 7 Library Icons the Easy Way – How-To Geek – Have you ever want­ed to swap out the Windows default icons with some­thing else? The new Windows 7 library icons can be changed with a hack to a text file, but there’s an eas­i­er way. We’ll explain both.
  • Understanding the Libraries Feature in Windows 7 – How-To Geek – The new libraries fea­ture in Windows 7 makes it eas­i­er to man­age your files and fold­ers. Today we take a look at how to access libraries, how to use them, and how to include net­work loca­tions to the libraries as well.
  • Apps for the Mobile Creative: Part 1 | CreativePro​.com – iPads and Androids and BlackBerrys, oh my! Discover some of the best apps for cre­ative pros on the go. In this install­ment, I’ll cov­er apps for sketching/designing, busi­ness man­age­ment, and inspiration.
  • Delay the mes­sages you send from Microsoft Outlook | Workers’ Edge – CNET News – Have you ever wished you had recon­sid­ered send­ing that e‑mail to your boss, explain­ing in detail his short­com­ings as a man­ag­er? Or per­haps you regret com­plain­ing to a client about her unpro­fes­sion­al behav­ior for can­cel­ing a meet­ing at the last minute–before learn­ing that the cab she was rid­ing in hit a bus.
  • For the first time in his­to­ry, a man is cured of HIV – For the first time in his­to­ry, a man has been cured of HIV. The patient, 42-year old Timothy Ray Brown was first hos­pi­tal­ized at Berlin at Germany’s Charite Universitatsmedizin hos­pi­tal after he con­tract­ed acute myeloid leukemia in 2007. He under­went aggres­sive chemother­a­py that destroyed the major­i­ty of his immune cells and final­ly, went through a risky stem-cell trans­plant that appears to have com­plete­ly cured Brown of HIV.
  • Acrobat X Pro Review | Macworld – If you can man­age to find all the com­mands you need in the menus, task panes, Quick Tools, or oth­er tool­bars, you’ll find that Acrobat X Pro is a fan­tas­tic pro­gram with uni­ver­sal func­tion improve­ment, phe­nom­e­nal content-exporting capa­bil­i­ties, incred­i­ble pow­er to auto­mate task- and document- pro­cess­ing, and com­pelling document-distribution capa­bil­i­ties. Unfortunately, Acrobat X’s messy and unin­tu­itive new user inter­face throt­tles the excite­ment some­what and makes this less than a must-buy application.
  • Geek XMas List: Weaponize Marshmallows with the Bow and Mallow – Any toy that can weaponize a marsh­mal­low is a must-have in our book. The Marshmallow Bow and Mallow is just like a tra­di­tion­al bow and arrow set except it does­n’t have the whole shooting-your-eye-out and permanently-bruising-your-hand-from-string-whiplash parts.
  • BendDesk Brings Multi-Touch to the Big Leagues | Walyou – The Media Computing Group has designed an ear­ly pro­to­type of a hor­i­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal multi-touch device. The BendDesk, as it is being called, will allow users to move on screen ele­ments from the hor­i­zon­tal sec­tion of the desk to the ver­ti­cal sec­tion. The desk will also read up to ten touch points (one for each fin­ger). A few test pro­grams are being ran, each of which emu­lates real pro­grams we use every day. These include pho­to edit­ing pro­grams as well as multi-touch video games.
  • TypographyShop : Men’s I Love Bodoni t‑shirt : – Just in time for the Holidays!
    ” I love Bodoni” is the newest release from TypographyShop.