Creative Community Bulletin 03 June 2009 Through 05 June 2009

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 03 June 2009 through 05 June 2009:

  • 70 Ways Social Networking Fuels the Tech Revolution – From e‑shirts that show your lat­est Twitter updates to inter­ac­tive adver­tis­ing cam­paigns on Facebook for every­one from politi­cians to porn stars, social net­work­ing is clear­ly the pre­ferred mode of com­mu­ni­ca­tion for the Web-savvy masses.
  • Life lessons on black­board (40 pics) – Great tips with humor on how to sur­vive the world and get through the life intact
  • Tomorrow’s New York Times – A Better World – This spe­cial edi­tion of The New York Times comes from a future in which we are accom­plish­ing what we know today to be pos­si­ble.

    The dozens of vol­un­teer cit­i­zens who pro­duced this paper spent the last eight years dream­ing of a bet­ter world for them­selves, their friends, and any descen­dants they might end up hav­ing. Today, that bet­ter world, though still very far away, is final­ly pos­si­ble — but only if mil­lions of us demand it, and final­ly force our gov­ern­ment to do its job.

  • George W. Bush Indicted for High Treason (Hoax from Fake New York Times) – WASHINGTON (AP) — George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, was indict­ed Monday on charges of high trea­son. The charges, filed by Attorney General Russ Feingold late in the evening, allege that Mr. Bush, know­ing full well that Iraq pos­sessed no weapons of mass destruc­tion, fal­si­fied infor­ma­tion in order to pur­sue the dis­as­trous Iraq War. (See “U.S. Knew No W.M.D.s in Iraq,” on Page A1, and the peti­tion at www​.democ​rats​.com/​pardon.)
  • How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live – TIME Magazine – The social warmth of all those stray details should­n’t be tak­en light­ly. But I think there is some­thing even more pro­found in what has hap­pened to Twitter over the past two years, some­thing that says more about the cul­ture that has embraced and expand­ed Twitter at such extra­or­di­nary speed. Yes, the breakfast-status updates turned out to be more inter­est­ing than we thought. But the key devel­op­ment with Twitter is how we’ve jury-rigged the sys­tem to do things that its cre­ators nev­er dreamed of.

    In short, the most fas­ci­nat­ing thing about Twitter is not what it’s doing to us. It’s what we’re doing to it.

  • Web sites start choos­ing fee over free – Top Stocks Blog – MSN Money – Is this the end of free con­tent on the Web?

    The busi­ness mod­els were head­ing in this direc­tion, but the eco­nom­ic down­turn has per­haps sped it along a bit. That, and the real­iza­tion that online adver­tis­ing just isn’t going to pay for everything.

  • Genuine imi­ta­tions | i love typog­ra­phy, the typog­ra­phy and fonts blog – Given that Matthew Carter was giv­ing the lec­ture and he would be talk­ing about his views on type revivals, it was per­haps not so sur­pris­ing so many peo­ple want­ed to go. For an hour he talked through the devel­op­ment of some of his type­faces and his phi­los­o­phy not just on revivals but on type design in gen­er­al. I sus­pect it’s this phi­los­o­phy and think­ing that inter­est­ed a lot of the atten­dees, includ­ing me, so I’ll focus more on that here.
  • Google serves up the Top 10 sites to avoid at all costs – The Next Web – Google’s secu­ri­ty team has iden­ti­fied the cur­rent Top 10 mal­ware sites in the world. The list reads like a rogue’s gallery of the dark­er side of the web. Sites list­ed gen­er­al­ly use ‘drive-by down­load­ing’ to install and run mal­ware on vis­tors’ com­put­ers auto­mat­i­cal­ly. To make things worse many of these domains are linked through to via adver­tis­ing and oth­er third par­ty con­tent on a vast num­ber of high-traffic websites.
  • FontAgent Pro Plus Includes 750 OpenType Fonts — Workflow: Freelance – The col­lec­tion includes more than 150 book and text fonts
  • WordPress 2.8 Complete List of New Features #WordPress #WP2.8