Creative Community Bulletin 04 March 2010 Through 09 March 2010

These are the arti­cles, blogs, and resources I found inter­est­ing and wor­thy of shar­ing for 04 March 2010 through 09 March 2010:

  • Use short­cuts with Illustrator’s Gradient Mesh | Macworld – Successfully work­ing with a gra­di­ent mesh is much more involved than just using the Gradient Mesh tool. It involves the Direct Selection tool, the Eyedropper tool, the Lasso tool, and oth­ers. Depending on where you click and when, each of these tools can exhib­it mul­ti­ple, some­times con­flict­ing behav­iors. The fol­low­ing short guide gives you a quick ref­er­ence to com­mon tools and their key­board shortcuts.
  • Paint with Illustrator’s Gradient Mesh – Why use a gra­di­ent mesh? Gradient mesh is usu­al­ly com­pared to three oth­er col­or tech­niques: stan­dard gradients
  • FileMaker Pro 11 and FileMaker Pro Advanced 11 Review | Macworld – A year after the release of the FileMaker 10 data­base pro­gram, ver­sion 11 has arrived, with new tools and great new fea­tures that make it even eas­i­er to use. FileMaker 11 also puts many cool data­base tricks with­in the reach of ordi­nary users. FileMaker 11 may be the best FileMaker ever.
  • Tutorial: Using Duotone To Add Art To Your Designs – This tuto­r­i­al will show how Photohop duo­tone, tri­tone and quad­tone tech­niques can be stretched even far­ther to cre­ate designs that look like they came right off the letterpress.
  • InDesign Turns 10, Adobe Releases eBook to Commemorate – Page by Page: 10 Years of Designing with Adobe InDesign: Designed to pro­vide an inside look at the company’s stew­ard­ship in mov­ing pub­lish­ing from print to dig­i­tal solu­tions, the 10th anniver­sary book exam­ines the role of InDesign and the InDesign Family in trans­form­ing the lay­out and edi­to­r­i­al work­flow at agen­cies, cor­po­rate pub­lish­ers and tra­di­tion­al pub­lish­ers world­wide. The book also details the evo­lu­tion of InDesign from its pub­lic debut in 1999 to today and includes sam­ple work cre­at­ed by design­ers for pub­li­ca­tions such as Marie Claire, pub­lish­ers like Condé Nast, and cut­ting edge design agen­cies such as Modern Dog and Mucca Design.
  • PDF Reader Pro fea­tures in Top Five iPhone apps – IT PRO’s Friday Five run­down has iden­ti­fied PDF Reader Pro as one of the Top Five paid appli­ca­tions used on iPhone. The key fea­tures of PDF Reader Pro are that it not only allows users to view and upload doc­u­ment but also pro­vides the doc­u­ment man­age­ment capa­bil­i­ties. It allows the syn­chro­ni­sa­tion over WiFi, can read pass­word pro­tect­ed files and help in bookmarking.
  • How to Run MS Word 2003 AND MS Word 2007 (Without Annoying Dialogs) – The fix to the prob­lem is very sim­ple as it turns out – sim­ply run the fol­low­ing com­mands (by press­ing the Windows Key R or typ­ing it into the Start/Run com­mand box. Use the line with Office11.0 if you have Office 2003 installed and Office12.0 if you have Office 2007 installed. You can use both if you have both installed :
  • Scaling WordPress MU with mul­ti­ple data­bas­es — Workflow: WordPress
  • Stunning and Soothing Ice Photography | Great Wallpapers and Inspiration – As you look through these, Relax, Breathe, Forget your stress­es of the day. Just focus on Inspiration, Maybe crank some sooth­ing music, and once you are done, Let the design juices flow and cre­ate some­thing nice
  • Secret Apple and Adobe Conspiracy to Ensure Success of the Flash Platform? – So after see­ing this all come togeth­er I have to assume that this was a mar­ket­ing move that was designed by Steve Jobs him­self. Because the sure suc­cess of this endeav­or could only have been put togeth­er by the mas­ter­mind that is respon­si­ble for Apples recov­ery in the world. There is no way that by acci­dent, Apple could have caused the pro­lif­er­a­tion of the Flash Platform to every oth­er device on the mar­ket and there by ensur­ing its con­tin­ued dom­i­nance and the suc­cess of the Platform.