Creative Community Bulletin 10 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Photoshop Group Layer Renaming Script Makes Using CC Generator a Breeze
    “Should be use­ful if you are lay­er orga­ni­za­tion geek or if you use appli­ca­tions like Slicy or new Photoshop CC fea­ture called Image Assets, that can export lay­ers using tags in their names.”
  • New $100 Bill U.S. Currency Debuted Tuesday, Details of the Design
    “he new $100 bill goes into cir­cu­la­tion Tuesday, adding a splash of col­or and styl­ish flour­ish­es to the cur­ren­cy fea­tur­ing Benjamin Franklin’s ever-familiar face. While Ben’s “You lookin’ at me?” por­trait stays the same, there are sev­er­al notab…
  • Legends of the Knight’ Documentary Explores Batman’s Power as a Modern Myth

    There’s a brand of Batman that Warner Bros. and DC own… but after 75 years, the char­ac­ter is beyond that now: he’s now at the point of leg­end. He’s all those things at once. Which is weird, but I’m that kind of fan­boy now.”

  • Designers Discuss 30 Best Designs in Sci-Fi Movies
    “Sci-fi has giv­en us some of the most icon­ic and dar­ing designs in Hollywood his­to­ry. We’ve select­ed the very best designs in sci-fi movies, and a host of influ­en­tial design­ers dis­cuss our picks.”



  • What’s Your Color Vision Deficiency? Take the Test from X‑Rite and Pantone

    X‑Rite and Pantone came togeth­er to make The Color Test, a free, online color-perception test. It takes around five min­utes and can be chal­leng­ing, but offers insight well past if you’re sim­ply col­or blind or not. You’re grad­ed out of 100 and shown where (and to what extent) your col­or prob­lem areas are.”

  • Communicating with Design Clients: 3 Profit Areas

    Every design busi­ness sells some kind of prod­uct, which earns mon­ey for the com­pa­ny. This rev­enue con­tributes to the ongo­ing oper­a­tion of your busi­ness and the cre­ation of prof­it. No rev­enue, no cash flow. No prof­it, no long-term sta­bil­i­ty for the busi­ness. But sell­ing prod­ucts isn’t the only way that design busi­ness­es stay afloat. Let’s take a tour of the ways design firms make mon­ey, includ­ing billing for time, invest­ing in real estate, sell­ing phys­i­cal prod­ucts and licens­ing soft­ware or intel­lec­tu­al property.”

  • 7 Ways Sustainable Materials are Shaping Design
    “Design increas­ing­ly needs to be eco-friendly, but that does­n’t mean com­pro­mis­ing your vision. Here are some exam­ples of how envi­ron­men­tal­ism and design can work together.”
  • Telekinetic ‘Carrie’ Coffee House Prank Goes Viral
    “You slip into a local cof­fee shop for a quick cup of your favorite morn­ing pick me up and sud­den­ly things get down right fright­en­ing. What would you do if an angry girl in the shop sud­den­ly start­ed mov­ing things with the jaw-dropping pow­er of …
  • Rethinking the Traditional Alumni Magazine
    “GSU is a quar­ter­ly pub­li­ca­tion, so it was impor­tant that the redesign embrace a phi­los­o­phy around more in-depth per­son­al story-telling that would­n’t become quick­ly dat­ed. Another objec­tive cen­tered around the visu­al lan­guage. GSU has to speak …
  • Hotel Wi-Fi Sucks: Create Your Own Hotspot Using the Room’s Ethernet Connection

    Instead of deal­ing with spot­ty con­nec­tions and speeds that resem­ble ear­ly ’90s dialup, use the hotel’s eth­er­net con­nec­tion. Regardless of which room you spring for, there’s a good chance yours will have eth­er­net. With this wired con­nec­tion you can cre­ate your own wire­less net­work that actu­al­ly gets you online. You basi­cal­ly have two options: Use your com­put­er or a trav­el Wi-Fi router.”

  • 16 Ways Europeans Are Just Better At Life
    “Despite that gen­er­al awe­some­ness, though, the U.S. isn’t the best at every­thing. That’s not ding­ing the land of the free and the home of the brave for no rea­son, but rather, to say that Europe just does some things better.

    Here are a few aren…

  • Adobe Has an Epically Abysmal Security Record, Will Get Worse
    “Adobe’s mas­sive secu­ri­ty breach last week is just the lat­est in its long, trou­bled his­to­ry with hack­ers. But cyber­se­cu­ri­ty experts warn the com­pa­ny’s secu­ri­ty record is only going to get worse in the near future.”