Creative Community Bulletin 19 September 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • The Coolest 18 Features in iOS 7 That You Probably Didn’t Know About #ios7
    Now that iOS 7 is out, what can you do that you could­n’t do before?

    In this softModder guide, I’m going to cov­er all that’s new and note­wor­thy about iOS 7. I’ve been play­ing around with it on my iPhone 5 since the first beta came out, so I’…

  • Designers speak out about Adobe’s Creative Cloud #CreativeCloud
    “Adobe announced its sub­scrip­tion only Creative Cloud ser­vice to mixed feel­ing ear­li­er this year. But what impact has it had on the design indus­try? Leading design­ers tell us their thoughts…”
  • Free Flat iOS7 App Icon PSD Kit (Smart Objects and Slices) #Photoshop #UI #UX

    This smart object-driven and pre-sliced .psd file lets you quick­ly replace graph­ics and col­ors across all required icon sizes for both iOS6 and iOS7.

    To change graphics:

    - In the lay­ers palette, double-click the bot­tom layer’s thumb­nail. Add your graph­ics and save.”

  • The Ultimate Sign Of Success: An Open Calendar
  • Client Relationships: What To Do When Things Go Wrong

    You’ve been work­ing hard on your lat­est project for a client. You’ve deliv­ered, so now it’s time for that last pay­ment. But after weeks of wran­gling with their peo­ple, there’s still no check in the mail. Turns out, they feel they don’t owe you any mon­ey. You feel betrayed and frus­trat­ed. You held up your end of the deal, why can’t they?”

  • 7 Modern Day Ways To Leave A Lasting Impression
    “Dale Carnegie wrote a fan­tas­tic book back in 1936 that real­ly spelled out How to Win Friends and Influence People, and in my view it was so suc­cess­ful and con­tin­ues to be suc­cess­ful because it con­tains such a lot of com­mon sense about treating…
  • Before & After iOS 7: How Your Favorite Apps Are Changing

    Flat. With one word Apple didn’t just change its look on mobile, but man­dat­ed an industry-wide face-lift. For iOS 7′s launch lat­er today, chrome, nav­i­ga­tion but­tons, and tex­tured title bars are get­ting replaced with more con­tent, gesture-controlled nav­i­ga­tion, and single-colored pan­els. Here’s a before and after look at the redesigns rolled out to some of the top third-party iOS apps, along with our analy­sis and thoughts from developers.”

  • FF Mark Site Offers New FontFont Font and an Excellent Modern Website

    Ze new Germanetric sans by Hannes von Döhren, Christoph Koeberlin and the FontFont Type Department. Strong, sim­ple, bold and cre­at­ed with utmost con­sid­er­a­tion and pre­ci­sion. True to geo­met­ric tra­di­tion, con­tem­po­rary for today’s needs.”

  • The 15 Most Annoying Things About iOS 7 for iPhone #iOS7
    Some of these are big issues, and some could be con­sid­ered nit­pick­ing, but giv­en that I’m fair­ly used to the old­er iOS 6 ver­sion, they feel big to me. Paper cuts always hurt worse than gashes.