Creative Community Bulletin 2 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 8 Keys To Creating An Emotional Connection Between Products And People
    “Fifty per­cent of every buy­ing deci­sion is dri­ven by emo­tion. Which, for any­one respon­si­ble for bring­ing a prod­uct to mar­ket, makes a recent Forrester Research sur­vey a con­cern. It report­ed that 89% of the respon­dents felt no per­son­al connectio…
  • Infographic: What Beer and Coffee Do To Your Brain (And Which Makes You More Creative)
    This info­graph­ic reveals what cof­fee and beer do to your brain, and which you should drink when work­ing on what.
  • You Can Draw on These 5 iPhone Cases

    Would you like to per­fect­ly per­son­al­ize your own iPhone case? We’ve got five cov­ers you can draw on for cre­ative folk — big or little.

    Whether you want to use your case as a notepad, for doo­dling, or to cre­ate your own fresh designs on a reg­u­lar basis, one of these cas­es should offer a solu­tion to suit.”

  • ImageOptim (Mac OS X) Compresses Images for Web and Mobile

    ImageOptim opti­mizes images — so they take up less disk space and load faster — by find­ing best com­pres­sion para­me­ters and by remov­ing unnec­es­sary com­ments and col­or pro­files. It han­dles PNG, JPEG and GIF animations.

    ImageOptim seam­less­ly inte­grates best opti­mi­sa­tion tools: PNGOUT, Zopfli, Pngcrush, AdvPNG, extend­ed OptiPNG, JpegOptim, jpe­gres­can, jpeg­tran, and Gifsicle.

    It’s excel­lent for pub­lish­ing images on the web (eas­i­ly shrinks images “Saved for Web” in Photoshop) and also use­ful for mak­ing Mac and iPhone/iPad appli­ca­tions small­er (if you con­fig­ure Xcode).”

  • An Updated Guide to Buying Stock Images –Top 10 Agencies

    Settling for the best source of roy­al­ty free images and media files may prove to be tricky if you’re not aware of all the avail­able options. So if you’re a web design­er, a blog­ger, or a writer for an online mag­a­zine, here’s a fresh list of the best stock agen­cies to help you make an informed decision.”

  • The web designer’s guide to data tracking

    The accu­ra­cy of this is debat­able, but what con­cerns me is how these com­pa­nies came by this data. Privacy tools have been built to make this kind of data col­lec­tion more trans­par­ent, and give users mean­ing­ful choice about lim­it­ing what’s col­lect­ed and how it’s used.

    These pri­va­cy tools also pro­vide web devs with a way to audit sites. By scan­ning pages and match­ing against a library of over 2,800 dis­tinct track­ing tech­nolo­gies, tools such as Ghostery can reveal sev­er­al types of track­ing code that could be elud­ing web­site operators.”

  • 6 Tricks for Instantly Looking Better in Photoshop [VIDEO]

    Everyone wants to have per­fect pro­file pic­ture, but we’ve all seen exam­ples of Photoshopping gone wrong. If you’ve ever want­ed to clear those blem­ish­es or trim those 10 pounds the cam­era adds, but end up look­ing more like a dis­tort­ed mem­ber of the Jersey Shore cast than a run­way mod­el, you’re not alone.

    Don’t wor­ry — we’ll show you the most com­mon Photoshop tips and tricks to ensure that you’re always look­ing your most pho­to­genic. Check out the video tuto­r­i­al above to learn how to do the “eye pop” tech­nique, remove shiny skin and more.”

  • Apple Ends Free iCloud Storage For MobileMe Members
    “When Apple announced iCloud to replace their MobileMe ser­vice they gave MobileMe extra free stor­age on iCloud. iCloudl comes with 5GB of stor­age for free.

    Apple gave old MobileMe users a total of 20GB of stor­age for free, that has now ended, …

  • All You Need to Know about Parallax Scrolling
    “The phe­nom­e­non of Parallax scrolling has become quite a roar in the recent times. Those of you who are not famil­iar with Parallax design can have some amount of enlight­en­ment through the fol­low­ing lines.

    The Parallax Design is a scrolling te…

  • Typographic Interior: Music Room Mural Made of Words
    “Featuring over 200 musi­cians through a com­bi­na­tion of iconog­ra­phy and typog­ra­phy, this wrap-around work of cus­tom wall­pa­per man­ages to be daz­zling­ly com­plex and sur­pris­ing­ly cohe­sive at the same time.”
  • 35 Excellent Adobe Fireworks Tutorials

    Fireworks doesn’t get as much atten­tion as some of the oth­er prod­ucts from Adobe, but it is still a valu­able resource for many design­ers. If you’re inter­est­ed in improv­ing your skills with Fireworks, here are some of the best tuto­ri­als available.”

  • Elemental Photo Manipulations: Earth: Tutorials and Inspiration, by Pariah Burke

    “Elemental Photo Manipulations” is a four-part series high­light­ing tuto­ri­als and inspi­ra­tional amaz­ing art­work com­bin­ing pho­tog­ra­phy with Photoshop in sur­re­al, mind-bending, and some­times star­tling ways. In this sec­ond install­ment in the series mar­vel at the way artists have bent the very Earth—dirt, stone, met­al, and even the flora—to their whims. Don’t miss “Part 1: Fire,” and return to CreativePro​.com every two weeks for “Air & Light” and “Water.”

  • How Flipboard’s Head Designer Grapples With The Web’s Manic Pace Of Change


  • Get your Elevator Pitch right for your Design Strategy to Work

    What Red Bull stands for is that it “gives you wings…,” which means that it pro­vides skills, abil­i­ties, pow­er etc. to achieve what­ev­er you want to. It is an invi­ta­tion as well as a request to be active, performance-oriented, alert, and to take chal­lenges. When you work or study, do your very best. When you do sports, go for your lim­its. When you have fun or just relax, be aware of it and appre­ci­ate it.

  • Imagine Three Different Futures to Help You Make Better Decisions

    When I think of my future, it’s rea­son­ably bright, but I think it’s real­is­tic. I envi­sion my chil­dren grow­ing old­er. I envi­sion one of them–and I’m not sure which one–being tra­di­tion­al­ly suc­cess­ful, one of them rebel­lious and then find­ing their foot­ing a bit lat­er, and one of them strug­gling (which is almost what you’d expect from three children).”

  • Doctor Who? Enjoy The Show’s 50th Anniversary With These Mobile Apps

    British TV series Doctor Who cel­e­brates its 50th anniver­sary in November, mark­ing a half cen­tu­ry of time trav­el­ling adven­ture. Express your love for the show with these great mobile apps!