Creative Community Bulletin 2 September 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Putting a Systems Sensitive Design Tool Through its Paces

    More and more col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties are ask­ing ques­tions about the nature and shape of a civic-oriented design cur­ricu­lum through the devel­op­ment of class­es, sym­posia and new­ly launched design degrees. My insti­tu­tion, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), has been one of those insti­tu­tions, and some of the results are embod­ied in a master’s degree called Design for Sustainability, which launched in 2009. The pro­gram is built on a triple-bottom line pur­suit of well­be­ing through a three-pronged approach to inno­va­tion (see fig­ure above).”

  • Your Business Needs Six Months in the Bank

    Impatient and ready to get start­ed? Don’t make the mis­take of try­ing to pay for these basics out of oper­at­ing expens­es, because that defeats the pur­pose of hav­ing the funds there. You can, how­ev­er, look for a loan. Banks are typ­i­cal­ly reluc­tant to lend mon­ey to cov­er oper­at­ing expens­es since there is no guar­an­tee they will ever be paid back. They will often lend mon­ey for some cap­i­tal expens­es, tan­gi­ble items which have val­ue even if the busi­ness does not. In most cas­es they are going to ask you to per­son­al­ly guar­an­tee the loan. Reluctant to risk your house on your busi­ness? You may not be ready.
    Don’t get me wrong, I love own­ing a small busi­ness and I think it is a great path for many peo­ple. I just want you to be suc­cess­ful when you do, and hav­ing enough mon­ey in the bank is an impor­tant first step.”

  • Bio-Degradeable, Critter-Friendly Forest Pavilion is World’s First 3D-Printed Architecture
    “The bio­plas­tics will enable the pavil­ion to even­tu­al­ly decom­pose nat­u­ral­ly with­in the for­est, just like the trees that grow all around it. That process will take 30 to 50 years. It will also become a habi­tat for insects, moss and birds during …
  • type​setwith​.me A typog­ra­phy and leg­i­bil­i­ty sandbox
    “Legibility is impor­tant to effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion online and in print. Learn how var­i­ous typo­graph­ic prop­er­ties and met­rics inter­act with each oth­er to affect the leg­i­bil­i­ty of your mes­sage. Click any term to see what it means. Adjust the sli…
  • Exegesis: How ear­ly adapters, inno­v­a­tive pub­lish­ers, lega­cy media com­pa­nies and more are push­ing toward the anno­tat­ed web

    The idea for anno­ta­tions is obvi­ous­ly a bor­rowed one, whether it’s writ­ing in the mar­gins of a col­lege text book, or fill­ing in the blanks of a cor­po­rate strat­e­gy memo, Seward said. In both of those cas­es, the fact that the notes are pinned to a spe­cif­ic point in the text is key. It’s the same with Quartz anno­ta­tions, Seward said, which they hope will result in a bet­ter qual­i­ty of dis­cus­sion that stays on top­ic. “The goal is to encour­age more thought­ful and direct­ed con­ver­sa­tion,” Seward said.”

  • Article Says Graphic Designers Must Eat and Be Healthy to Be Creative. Do You Agree?
    This arti­cle has inter­est­ing per­spec­tive. What are your thoughts? How much do diet, exer­cise, sleep, and fish have to do with YOUR cre­ativ­i­ty and design work?
  • Facebook Makes Us Feel Bad About Ourselves—Here’s The Research That Proves It

    How do you feel after spend­ing time on Facebook? Better, worse, or about the same? If you believe many of Facebook’s well-produced mar­ket­ing videos, you’d expect most peo­ple to answer that they have a warm, fuzzy feel­ing. After all, you’re shar­ing time with friends, the peo­ple you care about.


  • 10 Super Useful Free Flat UI Kits

    In web design, we are con­tin­u­ing to see a move toward sim­plic­i­ty. We’re see­ing few­er web­sites that are over-designed, and more that are focused on let­ting the con­tent shine. On the graph­i­cal ele­ment lev­el, this trend has tak­en on the name of “Flat Design”. This means less dec­o­ra­tive ele­ments like gra­di­ents, reliefs, and real­is­tic forms are being used, and more flat colors.

    To help you get start­ed cre­at­ing your own flat designs, we’ve round­ed up some super use­ful flat UI kits. Enjoy!”

  • Content as Medium #eprd­ctn #DPS

    The fad­dish buzz­words of inter­ac­tiv­i­ty (for its own sake) and “dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences” are fad­ing in the rear-view mir­ror, hope­ful­ly for good. In their place, we find much more com­fort­able words: sim­plic­i­ty, focus, and qual­i­ty. Writing that’s meant for read­ers, writ­ten by those who are pas­sion­ate read­ers themselves.”

  • YouTube as a Marketing Tool for Creative Professionals
    “One of the chal­lenges most cre­ative folks face is explain­ing how they do what they do and the impor­tance of the cre­ative process in devel­op­ing a focused con­cept. Showing your work and edu­cat­ing your prospec­tive clients will pro­vide them with i…
  • The Tweet is Mightier Than the Sword and Other Famous Sayings Reinterpreted for the Digital Age

    There are many clas­sic idioms that have evolved into sources of clichéd advice for our dai­ly lives: “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” “A watched pot nev­er boils.” “The pen is might­i­er than the sword.””

  • Sync Settings Comes to InDesign

    Imagine a future no longer so far-fetched in which you’re passed a coworker’s tablet dur­ing a meet­ing and, instant­ly, your apps, your cus­tomiza­tions for those apps, your projects, and your font, col­or, and oth­er pref­er­ences instant­ly pop­u­lates the device—until you hand it off to the next cowork­er, at which point every­thing of yours is replaced by every­thing of hers. Imagine an even nearer—already here in part—future where­in you sit down at a new computer—a client’s, a colleague’s, your par­ents’, a dis­play unit at Best Buy—and a new­ly installed, vir­gin copy of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, or Première Pro instant­ly morphs into your copy of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, or Première Pro. The default or “Essentials” work­space of the appli­ca­tion flash­es away to be replaced by the pan­el arrange­ment you left at work. Photoshop’s Brushes pan­el instant­ly repop­u­lates with your care­ful­ly curat­ed col­lec­tion of a few hun­dred Photoshop brush­es. Into Illustrator’s Swatches and Graphic Styles pan­els pour your col­or groups and styles. Factory default installs of InDesign, After Effects, and more all sim­i­lar­ly cus­tomize them­selves to you. That future is on the way; in fact, most of it is already here. More of that sci-fi future became fact yesterday.