Creative Community Bulletin 21 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Attract New Clients and Keep Existing Ones
    In the design world, your rela­tion­ship with clients is one of the eas­i­est ways you could find to mar­ket your­self. No cost, no spe­cial effort, just mak­ing sure you treat the peo­ple who pay for your ser­vices more than walk­ing work projects.

  • 12 Reasons Why 15% of American Adults Don’t Use the Internet #Infographic

    According to Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project Spring Tracking Survey tak­en between April 17 and May 19 of this year (2,252 adults in America were sur­veyed), 15% of American adults don’t use the Internet. LiveScience post­ed these results in a chart called Offline Adults And Why, which you can see below.

  • 12 Reasons Why 15% of American Adults Don’t Use the Internet #Infographic

    According to Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project Spring Tracking Survey tak­en between April 17 and May 19 of this year (2,252 adults in America were sur­veyed), 15% of American adults don’t use the Internet. LiveScience post­ed these results in a chart called Offline Adults And Why, which you can see below.

  • Typography Humor Video: An Ode On A Typeface (A Poker Face Parody)
    “An homage to the Neutra type­face inspired by the song Poker Face by Lady GaGa.”
  • In Defense of Skeuomorphism, Part 2
    “How not to use it, or, Why Clinkle (already) needs a redesign”
  • 5 Prefixes You Should Be Using in Your Email Subject Lines

    NRN – No Reply Needed. Indicates that the receiv­er doesn’t need to reply. There is like­ly a body to the mes­sage but no response is needed.
    Example: “Jennifer wants you to call her back NRN”

  • More RSS Icons Than You Could Ever Want for Your Site–800+
    “So here is 800+ Most Wanted Free RSS Icons for Bloggers. Here you will find dif­fer­ent kinds of free RSS icon designs like 3D, grunge, car­toony, web 2.0 and more.”
  • Ten Strategies for Negotiating Success for Creatives
    “A Virtuous Cycle is a series of events that result in a favor­able out­come, over and over again…”
  • Designing For Disabilities: Section 508 and International Accessibility Compliance For Beginners

    Many graph­ic design­ers, web devel­op­ers, or oth­ers in the tech­nol­o­gy and media indus­tries will even­tu­al­ly come across a project that requires com­pli­ance with “Section 508″ or oth­er acces­si­bil­i­ty stan­dards. This term can be quite intim­i­dat­ing for a begin­ner because of the legal impli­ca­tions often involved. While Section 508 is legal­ly bind­ing only for United States fed­er­al agen­cies or those fund­ed fed­er­al­ly, often an orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides pub­lic ser­vices will request a web­site or soft­ware that meets the require­ments for Section 508.

  • 10 Pricing Principles & Strategies for Freelance Web Designers

    There’s a lot of dis­pute about what’s the right way to charge and doing it wrong can lead to unwant­ed sit­u­a­tions between you and your clients. But it’s impor­tant not to under­val­ue your work, just because you’re afraid you’re not going to find any clients. Some free­lancers try to rely on nego­ti­a­tion and some stick with their own rates.

  • 8 Ways to Evoke Positive Emotions in Visual Design
    “Designers who work in brand­ing have the oh-so-glorious job of try­ing to cre­ate designs that are not only easy to remem­ber and relate to, but por­tray the brand con­cise­ly and accu­rate­ly as well. Add to this the need to evoke the right emo­tions a…
  • To Use “Deposit” or “Retainer” in Your Photography Contract

    One of the best poli­cies for a pho­tog­ra­ph­er to have in place for their busi­ness and con­tract is the use of a “reser­va­tion fee” (read: deposit or retain­er) for the client to secure their spot with you, and for you to ensure that the client will hon­or their agree­ment to show up at the des­ig­nat­ed shoot­ing time. 

  • New iPad Stylus is a Real Pencil, Too
    “Sketch on paper with the pen­cil end then flip it around to sketch on your tablet or phone, eas­i­ly switch­ing between ana­logue and digital.”
  • Is Publishing Springing Back? Magazine Launches and Closures Slow in 2013
    “Magazine pub­lish­ers have launched more titles than they shut­tered in the first nine months of 2013, debut­ing 138 titles and clos­ing only 45 accord­ing to MediaFinder​.com, an online data­base that tracks U.S. and Canadian periodicals.

  • Freelance vs. Agency – Job Security, Added Hours and Other Considerations

    One of the most imme­di­ate deci­sions fac­ing new­ly grad­u­at­ed design­ers is whether to work free­lance or whether to apply to an agency – a prob­lem that a lot will wres­tle with through­out their career. Each time you jump from job to job, the nig­gling knowl­edge of work­ing for your­self can eat away at your desire to take orders and work long hours. Each sit­u­a­tion has its own ups and downs and it’s a case of tak­ing stock of your pri­or­i­ties and capa­bil­i­ties to decide on which suits you best.”

  • Flat UI and Forms – Making Them Work Together
    “When I say forms, I mean any inter­ac­tion in which infor­ma­tion is exchanged to receive a prod­uct or a ser­vice. This includes every­thing from inter­net bank­ing to mobile com­merce, from sign­ing up to use a new tablet app to run­ning a web search.”
  • The Design Workflow at a Digital Agency
    “Within this short list I aim to cov­er what I believe every new web design­er work­ing with­in a dig­i­tal agency should know and do before start­ing a new project, and what they should pay atten­tion to dur­ing the process.”