Creative Community Bulletin 23 October 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Clone Your Entire Mac to a Pocket-Sized, Bootable Backup for Portability and Safety
    “OS X makes it super-easy to clone your entire hard dri­ve to a USB device, and then boot from the USB device instead of from the hard dri­ve in your sys­tem and work like nor­mal. That means it’s real­ly easy to take your Mac with you on an externa…
  • Adobe Creative Cloud and Mac OS Mavericks Compatibility FAQ

    Adobe and Apple have worked close­ly togeth­er to test Adobe® Creative Cloud appli­ca­tions and Adobe Creative Suite 6 appli­ca­tions for reli­a­bil­i­ty, per­for­mance and user expe­ri­ence when installed on Intel® based sys­tems run­ning Mac OS X Mavericks. (v10.9). All Adobe CC and CS6 prod­ucts are com­pat­i­ble, but a few prod­ucts require updates to the lat­est builds to work prop­er­ly. Adobe Photoshop® CS5, CS4 and CS3 were also test­ed with Mac OS X Mavericks and there are cur­rent­ly no major issues known.”

  • 23 Free Sets Of Branding/Identity Mockup Templates (PSD) To Present Your Company In a Modern Way

    In today’s post we bring togeth­er real­ly high qual­i­ty yet free brand­ing and iden­ti­ty Photoshop mock­up tem­plate sets to present your com­pa­ny in a mod­ern way​.You just open the PSD file and replace all of the objects.The below free mock­ups are all free for per­son­al how­ev­er please check license agree­ments for com­mer­cial use.
    Here is the col­lec­tion of 23 free mock­up templates.

  • How to Disable Field Highlighting in PDF Forms [Awkward writ­ing, but worth it]

    You tell them just press Highlight Existing Fields option and it will go away. But after cou­ple of forms, you get frus­trat­ed. You feel it should be an eas­i­er way, where the forms you design appear to your client the way you want them to be, with­out get­ting mud­dled in fields high­light­ed in blue col­or (It has it uses but it should just be on demand and not always). ”

  • Exuding Sex Appeal While Remaining Demure #Photography

    The clas­sic debate of legs out or cleav­age out is age old, but you’ll nev­er get classier than a cute high neck dress that shows a bit of leg. As long as you have waxed, buffed and mois­turised your pins then you can strut with the con­fi­dence that you are ema­nat­ing style as well as turn­ing a few heads.”

  • Who Killed the Magazine App? Latest Figures Not Bleak, But Not Encouraging

    Three years after Apple unveiled the iPad and rev­o­lu­tion­ized the way con­sumers inter­act with con­tent, tablets still account for a tiny share of mag­a­zine readership—just 3.3 per­cent of total cir­cu­la­tion. Not tak­ing into account the top-selling dig­i­tal title, Game Informer, which boasts near­ly 3 mil­lion dig­i­tal copies, the num­ber slips to 2.3 percent.
    The prob­lem isn’t the device itself. Tablet sales are still grow­ing at a brisk clip. By 2017, tablet users are pro­ject­ed to num­ber 160.7 mil­lion, or about half the pop­u­la­tion, up from 128 mil­lion this year, reports eMarketer.”

  • Design Ah!: Giving Kids a Designer’s Mind

    Color. Shape. Word. Number. These sim­ple ele­ments that small chil­dren play with are also the same fun­da­men­tal tools of a design­er. However, pre­cise­ly because they are so sim­ple, it’s no easy task to prop­er­ly com­mu­ni­cate to kids what “design” is.

    PingMag’s Tom Vincent recent­ly sat down with graph­ic design­er Taku Satoh, art direc­tor for ‘Design Ah!’, and inter­face design­er Yugo Nakamura, for a sprawl­ing two-hour dis­cus­sion. Here are the highlights!

  • Why Designers Need to Share What They Do With The General Public

    Most peo­ple are still, unfor­tu­nate­ly, mys­ti­fied by design and design­ers. Among the most egre­gious mis­con­cep­tions: that our pro­fes­sion is defined sole­ly by aes­thet­ics and dec­o­ra­tion; that prac­ti­tion­ers tend to be “moody, errat­ic, eccen­tric, and arro­gant”; and that we even require spe­cif­ic man­age­ment meth­ods to func­tion prop­er­ly in orga­ni­za­tions. Too often these mis­con­cep­tions and more lead to design being con­fined to a friv­o­lous box that sep­a­rates us from oth­er fields and lim­its the scope of our impact”

  • A Detailed Guide to Cellphone Insurance in the US
    As you’ll see, those ques­tions don’t real­ly have an easy answer. But I’m going to break down a few of the US’s most pop­u­lar insur­ers, alter­na­tives (like your home­own­ers pol­i­cy), and explore whether phone insur­ance is even actu­al­ly a good idea g…
  • You Can’t Just Choose to Be an Entrepreneur — You Have to Earn it.

    Labeling our­selves ”entre­pre­neurs” from the get-go can be dan­ger­ous if we haven’t real­ly start­ed any­thing yet. Be wary of soak­ing up the glo­ry before you’ve done the work. Entrepreneurship, lead­er­ship — these things are earned, not taken.

  • What the Agency Doesn’t Know – In-House Designers Live a Different Life
    “In house design­ers live a dif­fer­ent life
  • How to Create Your own Lightroom Preset 
    In this video Lightroom tuto­r­i­al I show you how to cre­ate a very sim­ple pre­set, but you can make your pre­sets as com­plex, fan­cy, cus­tom and cre­ative as you like. The optiosn real­ly are end­less. You can cre­ate clean and clas­sic looks, mat­te look…