Creative Community Bulletin 5 November 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Why Do Poor People ‘Waste’ Money On Luxury Goods? Because They Must
    His is a belief held by many peo­ple, includ­ing lots of black peo­ple, poor peo­ple, for­mer­ly poor peo­ple, etc. It is, I sus­pect, an hon­est expres­sion of increduli­ty. If you are poor, why do you spend mon­ey on use­less sta­tus sym­bols like handbags …
  • Sketchbooks from Creatives around the world on tour in this trav­el­ing library

    The Sketchbook Tour’ truck acts as a mobile library, hous­ing a col­lec­tion of almost 30,000 sketch­books sent in by cre­atives around the world. The truck trav­els to 40 over cities in North America over the span of a year, park­ing at var­i­ous events and loca­tions where any­one can hop on to browse through a mish-mash of won­der­ful art. 

  • Sketchbooks from Creatives around the world on tour in this trav­el­ing library

    The Sketchbook Tour’ truck acts as a mobile library, hous­ing a col­lec­tion of almost 30,000 sketch­books sent in by cre­atives around the world. The truck trav­els to 40 over cities in North America over the span of a year, park­ing at var­i­ous events and loca­tions where any­one can hop on to browse through a mish-mash of won­der­ful art. 

  • 10 cap­ti­vat­ing uses of typog­ra­phy in movies
    The open­ing cred­its are often the first clue you have to a film’s theme and tone, and typog­ra­phy is inte­gral to that. Here’s our selec­tion of 10 engag­ing pieces of typog­ra­phy in movies.
  • Apple’s iCloud Keychain: It works, but with frus­trat­ing limitations
    Unfortunately, it’s kind of a mess. iCloud Keychain does accom­plish the most basic things you’d expect a pass­word man­ag­er to do, but it often does so in an awk­ward man­ner. Important func­tion­al­i­ty is hard enough to find that it may be effectivel…
  • Why Did Apple Lose Its Humanities?
    Ever since the pass­ing of Steve Jobs, some folks have felt that Apple has lost its rud­der. If you lis­ten to the argu­ments of not­ed tech blog­ger Ben Thompson, you’ll dis­cov­er that’s because the com­pa­ny that famous­ly asked us to Think Different h…
  • The Best Personal Finance Tips from Evil Millionaires

    Just because someone’s evil doesn’t mean they can’t teach us some­thing worth­while, and the mil­lion­aires of the world are no dif­fer­ent. Even though you may con­sid­er some of them evil, there’s no doubt­ing that they know how to amass a for­tune. With that in mind, here are just a few of the most applic­a­ble tips from evil mil­lion­aires (mon­ey laun­der­ing not included).

  • The Best Personal Finance Tips from Evil Millionaires

    Just because someone’s evil doesn’t mean they can’t teach us some­thing worth­while, and the mil­lion­aires of the world are no dif­fer­ent. Even though you may con­sid­er some of them evil, there’s no doubt­ing that they know how to amass a for­tune. With that in mind, here are just a few of the most applic­a­ble tips from evil mil­lion­aires (mon­ey laun­der­ing not included).

  • How to Keep Your Pinterest Brand Page Legal
    Thinking of cre­at­ing a busi­ness page on Pinterest or con­vert­ing an exist­ing page to one for com­mer­cial use? There are some impor­tant dif­fer­ences between per­son­al and busi­ness pages that you need to con­sid­er. Click below to watch full-screen:

  • What can free­lancers learn from larg­er com­pa­nies when it comes to email etiquette?

    Today’s free­lancers are often seen as being in a priv­i­leged posi­tion where com­mu­ni­ca­tion is con­cerned. Thanks to the rise of the Internet and the preva­lence of emails, free­lancers are now more acces­si­ble to work and com­mis­sions than ever before, but this sit­u­a­tion isn’t with­out its hazards.

  • Smartphone Patent war goes nuclear: Microsoft, Apple-owned “Rockstar” sues Google

    Google bid for the patents, but it did­n’t get them. Instead, the patents went to a group of competitors—Microsoft, Apple, RIM, Ericsson, and Sony—operating under the name “Rockstar Bidco.” The com­pa­nies togeth­er bid the shock­ing sum of $4.5 billion.

    Patent insid­ers knew that the Nortel port­fo­lio was the patent equiv­a­lent of a nuclear stock­pile: dan­ger­ous in the wrong hands, and a bit scary even if held by a “respon­si­ble” party.

  • Creative Inspiration: The Power of Books
    I recent­ly dis­cov­ered a project by design­er Mladen Penev called ‘The Power of Books,’ and I could­n’t believe I had nev­er seen or heard of it before. Here are some of the inspir­ing images from the collection:
  • Now You Can Get Twitter Direct Messages From Any Follower—If You Dare
    “A new option on the Twitter set­tings page lets some users receive DMs, which are pri­vate mes­sages sim­i­lar to texts, from any­one who fol­lows you. Until now, most users could only get direct mes­sages from fol­low­ers you also fol­low back.”

  • Do your brain­storm­ing on Mondays for the most cre­ative and effec­tive results

    Why do all of this pre­frontal cor­tex think­ing on Mondays? If you’re liv­ing right, Monday should be the day that your pre­frontal cor­tex is well-rested. You’ve spent time with fam­i­ly and friends, caught up on sleep, and haven’t thought about work.

    On Monday morn­ing, your mind should be about as dis­con­nect­ed from the lit­tle details of work as it will be any oth­er part of the work week. So, you’re well-prepared to review the 30,000-foot view of what you’re work­ing on.