Creative Community Bulletin 6 December 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 31 Mind-Blowing Examples of Brilliant Packaging Design

    Packaging: It’s a nec­es­sary evil. So it may as well be clever.”

  • Five Forbidden Fruits of Photoshop by Dave Cross

    If you’ve been around the Photoshop world for even a short time it’s like­ly that you’ve heard the term “non-destructive” as in non-destructive work­flow or work­ing non-destructively. In prin­ci­ple that means to do things in such as way that the result is not per­ma­nent (a.k.a. destruc­tive) but can be edit­ed in var­i­ous ways. This arti­cle came about based on the num­ber of peo­ple who asked “but why both­er work­ing non-destructively – what if I nev­er change my mind?”

  • In High Places, Some Narcissism May Be OK

    A new aca­d­e­m­ic analy­sis sug­gests some nar­cis­sis­tic traits may be appro­pri­ate to nur­ture and devel­op — espe­cial­ly if you wish to become pres­i­dent of the United States.

  • More Book Than Nook: Can Barnes & Noble Make Its E‑Reader Feel Like The Real (Paper) Thing?
  • How To Fire Bad Freelance Clients
    “A com­mon con­flict oth­er free­lancers might expe­ri­ence as I do, is the desire to do the best work you pos­si­bly can while at the same time hav­ing to take care of the busi­ness side of it. You can get so focused on your own respon­si­bil­i­ties that yo…
  • Schedule Your “Average Perfect Day” to Set Life Goals

    This isn’t about that moment when you achieve your tar­get, nor about the moment of ela­tion in doing some­thing great. It’s about “aver­age”. A day that falls into your rou­tine and one that you would hap­pi­ly re-live.P

    When you have that pic­ture in your mind, take a piece of paper and write down your per­fect sched­ule for that day. P

    What time do you wake up?

    What do you do once you are awake?

    Do you kiss your beau­ti­ful spouse?

    Do you open the win­dows and head to the beach to do your 20 min­utes of Sun Salutations and 10-minute meditation?

    Do you say “Thank you” for all the bless­ings that you’ve been given?

    Then what do you do?

    Write it down as detailed as pos­si­ble, fol­low­ing your aver­age per­fect day step by step. P
    This per­fect day should give you the tem­plate of what you need to do to get there, start­ing with lit­tle habits that you can instill imme­di­ate­ly. If you can’t fig­ure it out, you can still turn vague goals into action­able to-dos. For the big­ger changes, Nikitina rec­om­mends start­ing small—something that you can achieve eas­i­ly and real­is­ti­cal­ly. No mat­ter what, you have to work towards and achieve your goals.P


    How Can I Turn Vague Goals Into Actionable To-Dos?
    I’ve got the hang of keep­ing my dai­ly to-do list action­able, but I’m strug­gling to include some of my large and vague goals. How would I go … Read…

    How to Work Towards and Achieve Your Goals… In Public
    Setting goals is easy, but work­ing towards them, mak­ing life changes, and start­ing new habits is dif­fi­cult. Long after the sparkle of start­ing… Read…
    One of the Best Goal Setting Exercises | LifehackP

    4 participants@

    PhoenixHawkUMihir Patkar11L U
    The prob­lem is that my aver­age per­fect day includes play­ing games (Either video or table­top RPGs) and relax­ing, along with some nice sex­ing at the end. But I don’t have the mon­ey to sup­port that, nor the attrac­tive and intel­li­gent lady to sup­port the end of that. So, I need to get the mon­ey first. And I’m not get­ting any younger. Need a job too, or the win­ning num­bers to the MegaMillions and Powerball jack­pots for the next three draw­ings. 11/10/13 9:57am

    gawkerkheshUPhoenixHawk1L U
    If you click through to the arti­cle, she makes it a bit clear­er what she’s get­ting at.

    And next three jack­pots? That’s not an expen­sive life; you could do it with $1.5 mil­lion at 4%. $1 mil­lion if you were will­ing to be a bit fru­gal. 11/11/13 12:15pm

    PhoenixHawkUgawkerkhesh1L U
    Current MegaMillions is $125 mil­lion, Powerball is $100 mil­lion. Invest $100 mil at 1% above prime month­ly inter­est, gives me mon­ey to spend on family/friends/charitable donations/travel. Never wor­ry about bills again, buy own house, prop­er­ly fur­nished. 11/11/13 12:29pm


    ProductivePalUMihir Patkar11L U
    Good point. I always tend to think of my ‘utopic day’ as the bench­mark for my life goals. Till I read this it nev­er occurred to me that I should be think­ing in terms of my aver­age per­fect day rather than my per­fect per­fect day. 11/10/13 4:39am

    1 participant@

    BuckweaselUMihir Patkar41L U
    A key part of my per­fect day is avoid­ing any­one who talks about Sun Salutations. 11/10/13 2:35am

    3 addi­tion­al replies sub­mit­ted and await­ing review
    Submitted dis­cus­sions can be approved by the author or users fol­lowed by this blog.

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  • Improve Your Photography by Bringing in Outside Editors

    It’s not easy to select the best (most impact­ful, appeal­ing, sell­ing, effec­tive) images for your own port­fo­lio, and it is an even tougher call to throw some of your most beloved images out. To clar­i­fy: With “edit­ing” I talk about the selec­tion of images, not any pixel-bending in photoshop.

  • 65+ InDesign Tutorial Roundup for Graphic Designers (from 2011, but still very useful)
    “Designers and graph­ics pro­duc­tion artists are the prin­ci­pal users, cre­at­ing and lay­ing out peri­od­i­cal pub­li­ca­tions, posters, and print media. It also sup­ports export to EPUB and SWF for­mats to cre­ate dig­i­tal pub­li­ca­tions, and con­tent suitable …
  • 25 Beautiful Designer Invoices You’ll Fall in Love With

    Just because the invoice is a busi­ness doc­u­ment, doesn’t mean it has to be bor­ing. An invoice is usu­al­ly your last con­tact with a client, so why not leave them with a last­ing impres­sion? Done prop­er­ly, your invoice can be an effec­tive part of your mar­ket­ing strategy.