Creative Community Bulletin 7 January 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 14 Unique Calendar Designs for 2014
    “we’ve hunt­ed down 14 more cal­en­dars for 2014 that are guar­an­teed to make wak­ing up to each day a lit­tle more spe­cial. If you’re feel­ing nos­tal­gic or in the mood for more inno­v­a­tive designs, check out our past round-ups of 2013 and 2012 calenda…
  • Gentlemen of Letters, a Dublin Sign Painting Film [Video]

    Technology has allowed some brands to ‘super-size’ and ‘hyper-scale’ – oth­ers to carve a niche as a ‘craft brand’ and in-between the two you find a ‘sea of com­mod­i­ty’, which is the dan­ger­ous ground in the mid­dle where most com­pa­nies find themselves.”

  • Mashable Belittles Designers? What Instagram Did For Photography, This App Will Do For Design
    Starting with the quote “if the nav­i­ga­tion but­tons in Photoshop make you want to cry, you may be able to nurse your inner cre­ative with a new app that recent­ly launched on iPhone,” Mashable dra­mat­i­cal­ly belit­tles design­ers and their skills.

  • 10 Things I Hate About WordPress (And How to Fix Them)

    I love WordPress, but I don’t love every­thing about it.

    I think it’s the best way to build a web­site for most peo­ple, but like any piece of soft­ware, it’s not per­fect. There are a few things that real­ly chap my hide, and I’d like to air my griev­ances here.”

  • Want To Remember Something? Then Don’t Snap A Photo
  • A Former Mars Rover Scientist Says The Boomer Generation Could Be Independent Forever
    “How wear­able sen­sors and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence could help some peo­ple live more nor­mal lives.”
  • Samsung Got A Bigger Tablet Boost For Christmas Than Apple, According To Onswipe

    Specifically, the com­pa­ny looked at vis­i­tors to Onswipe-optimized sites for the peri­od of Dec. 26–29 in com­par­i­son to Dec. 19–22, as a way to mea­sure the growth that dif­fer­ent tablet plat­forms saw over Christmas. The results? Samsung’s Galaxy tablets grew 50.4 per­cent, Nexus 6 tablets grew 33.8 per­cent, iPads grew 20.4 per­cent, and Kindle Fires grew 19.5 percent.”

  • Watch how light­ing can make you look like some­one you’re not 

    A lit­tle light­ing can do wonders.

    It can set the tone of a scene or even make it look like you’re a dif­fer­ent per­son. That’s nev­er been more evi­dent than in the fol­low­ing video.”

  • Watch how light­ing can make you look like some­one you’re not 

    A lit­tle light­ing can do wonders.

    It can set the tone of a scene or even make it look like you’re a dif­fer­ent per­son. That’s nev­er been more evi­dent than in the fol­low­ing video.”

  • Creative Pros to Follow: Designers On Instagram by Pariah Burke

    Welcome to the first install­ment of a fan­tas­tic new series from Pariah Burke and CreativePro​.com. The “Creative Pros to Follow” series high­lights amaz­ing cre­ative professionals—graphic design­ers, pho­tog­ra­phers, typog­ra­phers, fash­ion design­ers, illus­tra­tors, and more—to fol­low and con­nect with on social media and cre­ative shar­ing ser­vices. This time we found—and strong­ly encour­age you to check out—15 follow-worthy graph­ic design­ers on Instagram.”

  • 8 Great Design Job Boards to Find Your Next Design Job or Gig by Pariah Burke

    Whether you’re look­ing for your next great full-time adven­ture, a part-time sup­ple­ment, or great free­lance projects, this place called the World Wide Web offers a num­ber of great places to find cre­ative work. Here are the best eight of those places for cre­ative pro job listings.