Creative Community Bulletin 9 September 2013

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 14-Minute Documentary Addresses Eternal Question: Why Do People Throw Sneakers Onto Power Lines?
    “A defin­i­tive answer to the mys­tery of shoe-tossing is elu­sive, but this 14-minute doc­u­men­tary explores a fas­ci­nat­ing question.”
  • Career Expecations For Graphic Designers [Video]
    “Many peo­ple get the impres­sion that all they have to do is what they were told in design school, or learn the lat­est Adobe appli­ca­tions, but there is more to it than that. Being a graph­ic design­er means learn­ing to work with oth­ers toward the …
  • How Long to Nap for the Biggest Brain Benefits
    “The sleep experts in the arti­cle say a 10-to-20-minute pow­er nap gives you the best “bang for your buck,” but depend­ing on what you want the nap to do for you, oth­er dura­tions might be ideal:”
  • Why Kobo Thinks Customers Will Buy Fancy E‑Book Readers #eprd­ctn

    CEO Michael Serbinis empha­sized that the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket was a major growth area for his com­pa­ny. Kobo is based in Canada and backed finan­cial­ly by Japanese giant Rakuten. Both Amazon and Barnes & Noble have dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly focused on the domes­tic mar­ket for e‑book read­ers, and many for­eign mar­kets are dom­i­nat­ed by home­grown e‑reader prod­ucts with­out inter­na­tion­al reach.”

  • KnowEm Tracks Down All the Sites You’ve Registered a Username
    We’ve talked about using KnowEm before to search for user­name avail­abil­i­ty, but it’s much more use­ful as a way to search for lost accounts. Just type in your most used user­names, and KnowEm shows you where they’re reg­is­tered. From there, you ca…
  • Should Your H1 Tag Be Your Logo?
    This is a top­ic that has pro­voked MANY online-geek argu­ments over time, with “true believ­ers” on either side: Should you wrap your logo in an tag? From an aca­d­e­m­ic point of view, both are cor­rect. So which way is best? And why does it matter?
  • MINI devis­es an amaz­ing way to reward cus­tomers and build brand loy­al­ty [VIDEO]
    MINI devis­es an amaz­ing way to reward cus­tomers and build brand loy­al­ty. Spotters used con­trolled elec­tron­ic bill­boards via iPads to com­mu­ni­cate per­son­al­ly with Mini dri­vers on a motor­way in England. Alerts such as “Hey, blue MINI dri­ver! Is th…
  • LockedUSB Stops Public Charging Stations Stealing Your Data

    Except you might be leav­ing behind more than just bad mem­o­ries and hang­overs; accord­ing to the folks behind the LockedUSB, “iden­ti­ty theft, gov­ern­ment sur­veil­lance, ‘rogue’ and unsta­ble charg­ers, are also on the rise,” mean­ing that those inno­cent and attractive-looking USB ports could be fes­ter­ing hives of mal­ware, ready to suck your data right out of your iPhone.”

  • Four Trends that’ll Affect In-house Designers’ Careers

    ” “The three words I would use to describe a suc­cess­ful future cre­ative would be being agile, being curi­ous and being aware,” says John Maeda, pres­i­dent, Rhode Island School of Design. In oth­er words, be ready for and open to change.”

  • 2 Strategies to Using Your Photography Contract For Creative Marketing
    What you include in your con­tract sets the stage for more wed­ding leads and max­i­mum prof­its for your pho­tog­ra­phy business.
  • Use “Active Listening” to Get What You Want in a Negotiation
    “Essentially, a hostage nego­tia­tors first job is to hear out the oth­er side and then respond. It’s a good tac­tic for any type of nego­ti­a­tion. Head over to Barking Up the Wrong Tree for a bunch more nego­ti­a­tion tips from hostage negotiators.”