Design Business Links 17 April 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • iOS 7 UI Kit Photoshop Action Set
    “You’ve prob­a­bly seen many iOS 7 UI Kits. But this one is slight­ly dif­fer­ent, as there is no psd file involved. All you need (apart from love) is this lit­tle 1.4 MB .atn file that cre­ates entire default look iPhone mock­ups for your wireframes, …
  • Photography Pricing and Influencing Factors

    Pricing is a top­ic that most pho­tog­ra­phers will cringe at the thought of. While it may not have the same appeal as the cre­ative side of being a pho­tog­ra­ph­er, it is an inevitable and cru­cial part of run­ning a pho­tog­ra­phy business.

  • 9 Innovative Ways to Streamline Email Into Your Workday

    In his book Extreme Productivity, Harvard Business School lec­tur­er Robert Pozen actu­al­ly advis­es you to ignore 80% of your emails. If you’d rather spend time work­ing on your actu­al area of spe­cial­i­ty and inter­est than fight a Sisyphean bat­tle with your inbox every day, check out the nine tips below and set your sights on inbox zero.

  • One Woman’s Mastectomy Becomes Her Inspiration to Create the Perfect Nipple

    In 2012 she start­ed Pink Perfect, which makes ready­made cus­tom pros­thet­ic nip­ples for breast can­cer survivors.”

  • Obamacare Will Be Billions Cheaper Than Expected
    “The Congressional Budget Office says the cov­er­age pro­vi­sions of the Affordable Care Act will cost $104 bil­lion less than it pre­vi­ous­ly believed”
  • Uniting the gap between read­ing and view­ing words: design by Liz Collini

    London-based artist Liz Collini believes that the writ­ten word holds many para­dox­es, not only those of absence and pres­ence. She spe­cial­izes in print­mak­ing and draw­ing where she express­es her­self through the use of ambigu­ous words and phras­es to cre­ate dif­fer­ent forms of text. As she explains on her web­site: ‘There are gaps and over­laps between read­ing and view­ing, text and image, the hand and the machine. I try to cre­ate breath­ing spaces in which we can pause and look back at lan­guage. Whole nar­ra­tives can be com­pressed into a sin­gle word or famil­iar phrase. The draw­ings’ resem­blance to plans and blue­prints reflects the strange pro­vi­sion­al­i­ty of lan­guage; the things about which we write are always elsewhere’.”

  • The Daily Habits Of Highly Creative People [Infographic]
    “Well, the answer is that there is no sin­gle answer. The folks at Info We Trust have devel­oped an info­graph­ic to visu­al­ize the dai­ly rou­tines of 16 of his­to­ry’s well-known artists and poly­maths, from Milton to Angelou. The infor­ma­tion for the i…
  • How publishers-turned-platforms pay their ama­teur contributors

    Putting aside con­cerns that such tac­tics might dilute the brands of top-tier pub­lish­ers, one won­ders: How are these con­trib­u­tors get­ting paid, if at all? Here’s how the meth­ods and pay­ment struc­tures of some of the big­ger con­trib­u­tor net­works stack up.”

  • A Smarter Way to High Pass Sharpen in Photoshop

    High pass sharp­en­ing has been one of Photoshop’s most com­mon­ly used fil­ters by pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phers. But Michael Woloszynowicz noticed some prob­lems with the tra­di­tion­al method—namely, an unnat­ur­al white out­line and awk­ward light­ing around the eyes, where col­ors con­trast. Here’s his solution:

  • Born From A Tweet, Etsy’s New Entrepreneurship Program Could Be Coming To A City Near You

  • If You Ask for ‘Likes’ on Facebook, You’re About to Get Clobbered
    Facebook says it is on a mis­sion to clean up spam from the News Feed. The goal, it says, is to only show the con­tent that is most rel­e­vant to readers.
  • Creating Style Guides

    As your team grows and changes over time, your style guide will help you in sev­er­al ways. First, cre­at­ing your guide will take some time up front, but I’ve found that this pays off with faster build times for new sec­tions and pages, because any­one join­ing an ongo­ing project can refer to the guide for the exact styles to use.

  • Breaking up with Facebook: Where are brands and young users going?
    “Eat24 is one of the many brands reeval­u­at­ing its rela­tion­ship with Facebook as the site con­tin­ues to make changes to the algo­rithm that affects organ­ic reach. According to a study by ad agency Ogilvy, as of 2012, Facebook lim­it­ed the organ­ic r…
  • 4 rea­sons you should always pay design­ers and developers

    I have some friends who are graph­ic design­ers & devel­op­ers. Over the last few years I’ve watched an inter­est­ing phe­nom­e­non develop.

    People expect them to work for free.

    Friends, fam­i­ly mem­bers, even some would be clients ask them to donate their time for free. Or they want to pay rock bot­tom prices because “I just don’t have much bud­get to work with.”

    There are four rea­sons this needs to stop:”

  • Why is good pho­tog­ra­phy expensive?

    If you’ve ever worked with a good pho­tog­ra­ph­er, then you’ve learned that good pho­tog­ra­phy is expensive.

    Why is it?”

  • Responsive Typography Demo
    This web­site uses your com­put­er cam­era to track your face and auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust the size of the page’s text.
  • How To Pose And Photograph a Huge Group Shot With Thousands Of People

    Photographing large groups and make the pho­tos look good is always a hard task. Any group of over 7–10 peo­ple can look awk­ward and the pho­tos are usu­al­ly not very appeal­ing. But what if the group is not of 7 peo­ple, but of 1,500–2,000 peo­ple. If any of us will get the task of shoot­ing 2,000 peo­ple we’ll prob­a­bly think it’s a prank. But for pho­tog­ra­ph­er Chaim Perl it is part of his dai­ly rou­tine. Check out the in-depth BTS video and images of how he cre­ates these huge group shots.”