Design Business Links 26 February 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Windows UI design­er defends forc­ing Metro inter­face on all users
    Windows 8’s mod­ern inter­face did­n’t go over so well out of the gate. While there was a lot to like among all the Live Tiles and touch friend­li­ness, usabil­i­ty experts panned many of the oper­at­ing sys­tem’s design choic­es, and pow­er users felt aba…
  • 7 Things “Star Wars” Taught Me About Productivity

    Here’s some of the life lessons that I’ve learned from the Star Wars movies:

  • Meet the new agency cre­ative team

    The agency cre­ative team is chang­ing. What used to be an art-and-copy duo is rapid­ly evolv­ing into an art, copy, tech­nol­o­gy, strat­e­gy, media, and busi­ness hodge­podge. We asked senior agency cre­atives how they envi­sion the agency cre­ative team of the future. Here’s what they said:

  • Vook Acquires Book Data and Analytics Start-up Booklr
    “Both authors and com­pa­nies like Forbes and Fast Company, both of which Vook claims as part­ners, have a pro­lif­er­at­ing array of choic­es when it comes to pub­lish­ing part­ners. The addi­tion of Booklr should allow Vook attract new cus­tomers and reta…
  • Creating Your Own Signature Watermark for Photographs
    People often ask me how I made my sig­na­ture into my own copy­right logo on my pho­tos. Here is a step by step guide on mak­ing your own sig­na­ture or draw­ing into your own logo or sig­na­ture file.
  • How ‘Fast Web’ is Impairing How You Think

    Getting swept along the dig­i­tal flow of con­stant infor­ma­tion is the sta­tus quo for many folks whose days revolve around the inter­net. And that’s where the prob­lem lies. Our days shouldn’t real­ly revolve around the Internet.

  • How ‘Fast Web’ is Impairing How You Think

    Getting swept along the dig­i­tal flow of con­stant infor­ma­tion is the sta­tus quo for many folks whose days revolve around the inter­net. And that’s where the prob­lem lies. Our days shouldn’t real­ly revolve around the Internet.

  • Flat Design – a momen­tary trend or much more?
    “I have wit­nessed many debates on flat design and its pop­u­lar­i­ty late­ly. People seem to have dif­fer­ent views as some think that this is just a pass­ing trend while oth­ers believe the trend is here to stay.

  • 50 Beautiful Color Palettes for Your Next Web Project

    Choosing the right col­or scheme is essen­tial to your website’s suc­cess. Your lay­out and oth­er design choic­es — includ­ing font — should be devel­oped in con­cert with your col­or scheme, which can ensure read­abil­i­ty, cohe­sive­ness, and beau­ty in the final prod­uct. Unfortunately, mak­ing that choice or cre­at­ing a col­or palette from scratch can be quite the chal­lenge. That’s why for today’s post I’ve put togeth­er a col­lec­tion of 50 beau­ti­ful col­or palettes that are ready to use for your next web project. ”

  • Barnes and Noble Lost Over $1 Billion on Nook
    “Barnes and Noble is quite trans­par­ent when it comes to their finan­cial earn­ings and hold noth­ing back from investor calls and their report­ing. Normally, their end of the year reports come out every April and there is some bleak news. In 2011 t…
  • This Font Is Made From Beard

    If you’re a beard lover—and, hey, these days who isn’t?—then here’s the font for you, because it’s made exclu­sive­ly from images of facial hair.

  • Tuesdays are the Most Productive Day of the Week

    You’ve got your head focused after the week­end is over; you’ve caught up on every­thing; and you can do your reg­u­lar work sched­ule most effec­tive­ly. Then, after the hump of the Wednesday, come Thursday, Friday, you’re already think­ing about the weekend. ”