Design Business Links 31 March 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • To Startup or Not to Startup: The New Youth Question

    There’s a deep divide in the tech indus­try these days. New star­tups boast the “start­up lifestyle,” often have an aver­age age of around 25, and pro­mote fun perks (like kegs in the office) over ones like pater­ni­ty leave. They tend to work on more “excit­ing” things. On the oth­er hand are the well-grooved behe­moths; the Microsofts of the indus­try. They pro­mote long-term employ­ees, and for­sake some of the more nov­el things star­tups pro­mote (like all-night hackathons) for short­er work hours and a life out­side the office, but move projects at a slow­er pace. However, they also work on long-term effect things (new tech­nolo­gies, hard­ware, soft­ware, etc.), while many star­tups rise and fall with no real sus­tain­ing reverberation. 

  • 10 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in 10 Minutes or Less

    It usu­al­ly takes us much longer to change our moods than we’d like it to take. Here are ten things you can do in ten min­utes or less that will have a pos­i­tive emo­tion­al effect on you and those you love.”

  • Pew’s state of the media report: In search of a sus­tain­able dig­i­tal busi­ness model

    “Even as chal­lenges of the past sev­er­al years con­tin­ue and new ones emerge, the activ­i­ties this year have cre­at­ed a new sense of opti­mism – or per­haps hope – for the future of American jour­nal­ism,” Amy Mitchell, Pew’s direc­tor of jour­nal­ism research, states in the report’s overview.”

  • 250 Beautiful and Creative Packaging Designs For Inspiration
    “I have round­ed up 250+ Inspirational Packaging Designs to inspire you for your next next design project or just for some new cre­ative ideas. Some of them are still con­cepts, but they are so spe­cial and attrac­tive. I hope I can find them on mar…
  • How to Make Your Life Better by Sending Five Simple Emails | TIME​.com
    “You can make strides in 5 fun­da­men­tal areas by just send­ing 5 emails.”
  • Nest Folders Inside of Folders In iOS 7.1
    “One of the fun tricks in iOS 7 was the abil­i­ty to nest fold­ers inside of oth­er fold­ers so you could hide away the apps you don’t real­ly use. iOS 7.1 broke that tech­nique, but YouTube user Videosdebarraquito shows off how to do it.”

  • 9 Useful In-Built Mac OS X Utilities You’ve Probably Never Used

    While you’re not forced to become famil­iar with them, there are a hand­ful of use­ful util­i­ties includ­ed with Mac OS X found in the Applications fold­er, under Utilities.

  • How impor­tant is client-focused design? 17 cre­ative pros decide
    “Top design­ers dis­cuss how impor­tant is it to you to keep your clients happy.”