Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 10 March 2016

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Why Adobe Believes It Has A Promising Mobile Apps Strategy For The Future | Forbes
    Adobe mobile apps are designed to be pow­er­ful enough for any pro­fes­sion­al to use and to auto­mate with their work­flow. It’s absolute­ly inte­grat­ed with the desk­top but it’s also worth not­ing that all of these apps are com­plete­ly free. Everything runs smooth­ly on iPad and iPhone, and accord­ing to Bryan, Adobe is work­ing hard to get the stuff run­ning on Android devices.


  • Revealed: The 30-Year Economic Betrayal Dragging Down Generation Y’S Income
    Exclusive new data shows how debt, unem­ploy­ment and prop­er­ty prices have com­bined to stop mil­len­ni­als tak­ing their share of west­ern wealth
  • The core prin­ci­ples of UI design
    In this excerpt from Fundamental UI Design, Jane Portman dis­cuss­es clar­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty, famil­iar­i­ty, and oth­er UI core principles.Tags: Ui UX design
  • The Art of Failing Upward

    IN the start-up world, fail­ure is in. No soon­er has an entre­pre­neur failed at a ven­ture in Silicon Valley than he takes to the web — fre­quent­ly to blog­ging sites like Medium, which hosts a con­tin­u­ous stream of essays on the top­ic — or to the stage at indus­try con­fer­ences like FailCon to nar­rate the fail­ure and the growth he expe­ri­enced as a result.


  • 5 Foundational Writers in Women’s History

    During the women’s rights move­ment that began in the late nine­teenth cen­tu­ry, women and men, sev­er­al of whom were authors, fought to change the sys­tem. These authors and their notable works are out­lined below.


  • Free e‑course—Principles of UX Design
    Good UX design boils down to being an advo­cate for your user, both before, dur­ing, and after a prod­uct build. But how exact­ly do you do that?Tags: Ui UX design
  • OVLA – Awesome & Creative Typography Design, Graphic Design, Photo Editing iOS App
    OVLA [OVELAY A] is an appli­ca­tion to add text and art­work into your own pho­to, as if they were orig­i­nal­ly a part of it. 

    Bring lots of cool texts and art­works into your pho­to.
    Make your pho­to into an awe­some work in the eas­i­est and sim­plest way.


  • Shut Up and Sit Down. Why the Leadership Industry Rules.
    People who fetishize lead­er­ship some­times find them­selves long­ing for cri­sis. They yearn for emer­gency, dream­ing of a dooms­day to be nar­row­ly avert­ed. To wit: Donald Trump. By mak­ing America’s moment of cri­sis seem as big (or “huge”) as pos­si­ble, Trump makes him­self seem more con­se­quen­tial, too.
  • Apple Forced to Pay $450 Million After Supreme Court Rejects E‑Book Appeal
    Apple’s near­ly three year legal bat­tle over charges that it con­spired with pub­lish­ers to raise the price of e‑books is final­ly com­ing to end. This morningTags: ePublishing eprd­ctn epub
  • It’s Tax Time: A Business Owner’s Survival Guide | OPEN Forum
    Want to make sure you’re ready to file your busi­ness tax­es? Get answers to ques­tions around prepa­ra­tion, deduc­tions, returns and more in this tax-focused guide.
  • Adobe Experience Design Online Conference Streamed Live on Twitch March 15, 16, 17
    Join us on Adobe’s Twitch chan­nel March 15th, 16th, and 17th for exclu­sive con­tent from indus­try lead­ers on Experience Design. UX and UI design­ers will share their knowl­edge and cre­ative process, cre­at­ing user inter­faces live with Photoshop CC and Pro…
  • The ‘Quitter’s Mindset’ Could Be the Secret to Success
    Ellen Chisa knew she had to quit Harvard Business School.Tags: Entrepreneur Leadership Startup
  • Better Storytelling and Visual Flow Using Storyboard Artist
    Storyboarding is and art, no mat­ter if it’s for video, cin­e­ma, com­ic books or oth­er visu­al sequen­tials. If you’re writ­ing and pro­duc­ing TV spots, edu­ca­tion­al films, or oth­er pro­mo­tion­al motion pic­tures then Storyboard Artist is an essential!Tags: Desi…
  • Tech Workers Are Increasingly Looking to Leave Silicon Valley
    A grow­ing num­ber of engi­neers and tech work­ers from the San Francisco Bay Area are look­ing to leave Silicon Valley for bur­geon­ing tech hubs such as Austin, Texas, and Seattle, Washington, accord­ing to a job-search site’s data. Indeed​.com found that the share of search­es from with­in the Bay Area for tech jobs out­side of it is on the rise. As…


  • Do Stuff. Fail Well. Learn More. Repeat.

    After look­ing back at the 2 com­pa­nies i’ve start­ed, the way I work in a design team and my gen­er­al approach to giv­ing new ideas a go, I can see that this process is what I’ve been sub­con­scious­ly doing all along. It has helped me to grow as a young design­er, to ensure I am always will­ing to learn, to have the con­fi­dence to try some­thing new and to always be in awe of tal­ent­ed peo­ple I’ve worked with.


  • 9.0 Earthquake to Hit Portland in the Near Future. Here’s the Epic Story of What Happens Next.
    A 9.0 earth­quake is going to hit Portland in the near future. Here’s the epic sto­ry of what hap­pens next.An immer­sive, report­ed sci­ence fic­tion saga about sur­viv­ing the com­ing mega-quake.Tags: PDX
  • Quick Tutorial: Gradient Strokes

    In Illustrator, you can’t apply a gra­di­ent to strokes the way you nor­mal­ly apply gra­di­ents to oth­er objects. You can cre­ate a stroke on an object, go Object > Path > Outline Stroke, and then fill the stroke with a gra­di­ent, but you won’t be able to change the stroke weight lat­er on. Moreover, you can’t use the Outline Stroke method on type while keep­ing the text still editable. With the fol­low­ing tech­nique, you will be able to add gra­di­ent strokes to objects and text while keep­ing them still editable!
