Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 11 August 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • All new scary: Scientists record audio from vibra­tions of PLANT LEAVES & SNACK BAGS in silent video. (NSA woots.)
    Boffins at MIT, Microsoft and Adobe have devel­oped an algo­rithm that can bring audio to silent videos by read­ing vibra­tions that are not vis­i­ble to the naked eye on objects.
  • Browser Display Statistics
    What is the trend in screen res­o­lu­tion and col­or depth?
  • 20 Premium Photoshop Actions You Must Have

    Photoshop Actions are time savers, life savers and every­thing in between. Helping you com­plete com­plex tasks in sec­onds that could often take you min­utes or hours to per­fect. I’ve com­piled a range of dif­fer­ent Photoshop actions that you need in your arse­nal and that you’ll love. 

  • 3 Awesome Design Trends in Healthcare

    Most health­care facil­i­ties look the same — you walk in and see a ster­ile wait­ing room lined with stan­dard arm chairs, a TV on the wall, a stack of mag­a­zines in the cor­ner, and art­work that is less than inter­est­ing. However, in an effort to make patients feel more com­fort­able, design­ers are chang­ing the bor­ing look. Waiting rooms are becom­ing more invit­ing, being infused with high-tech fea­tures, and get­ting a much-needed change in décor. Take a look at some of the awe­some design trends in health­care right now.

  • 5 Ways Creativity Leads to Productivity. Balancing the Two in Modern Business
    Can pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty real­ly be bal­anced or are they fun­da­men­tal­ly at odds with one anoth­er? I believe that cre­ativ­i­ty leads to pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, pro­vid­ed that the work­place envi­ron­ment is devel­oped and nur­tured in a way that allows the t…
  • 5 Productivity Tools for Designers
    Productivity relies on find­ing sim­ple meth­ods to com­plete tasks. Here are some of the best tools for design­ers to help reach their cre­ative potential:
  • Three ways to use Markdown with Evernote

    At present Evernote doesn’t have an inbuilt Markdown capa­bil­i­ty, but there are tools and hacks avail­able to bridge the gap.

  • Comic Book Cartography – A Collection of Maps and Diagrams
    A Collection of Maps and Diagrams
  • What America Would Look Like Without Patents
    2 Economists Have A Radical Proposal To Make It Legal To Steal Other People’s Ideas
  • The History of Typography–in Stop Motion Video

    The video itself was craft­ed by Ben Barrett-Forrest of Forrest Media. The video had tak­en: 291 Paper Letters, 2,454 Photographs and a 140 hours of work to pro­duce. If you’ve ever tried mak­ing a stop motion piece, you’ll learn quick­ly – by the hun­dredth or so shot – that it’s a labor of love. So props to Ben for bear­ing with it and cre­at­ing such an amaz­ing video. The video itself tack­les some of the ins and outs of typog­ra­phy from Johannes Gutenberg to the cre­ation of Futura and how type is used today — it’s quite educational!

  • How to Make Sure You’re Not Using a Shady WordPress Theme
    Encrypted code is just one piece of the puz­zle; there are oth­er dis­taste­ful WordPress theme devel­op­ment prac­tices going on.