Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 15 August 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • The World’s First and Only Completely Honest Résumé of a Graphic Designer.

    My objec­tive is the Truth with a cap­i­tal T, men­tal­ly com­posed in Bodoni or, on the week­ends, Garamond. I believe dis­hon­est design is the scourge of human­i­ty. What do I mean by that? Simply step out­side. Fraudulence is every­where. From the rat-tail curve encir­cling the “H” of the Hilton logo to the poor­ly kerned sig­nage at your local bus depot, we live in a visu­al­ly pol­lut­ed envi­ron­ment. Graphic design­ers must keep our hood­ies zipped tight along with our val­ues. My aim is total unspar­ing hon­esty as it per­tains to my craft. I will pull no punch­es and expect the same from you, should we have the ben­e­fit of work­ing togeth­er in the future.”

  • The World’s First and Only Completely Honest Résumé of a Graphic Designer.

    My objec­tive is the Truth with a cap­i­tal T, men­tal­ly com­posed in Bodoni or, on the week­ends, Garamond. I believe dis­hon­est design is the scourge of human­i­ty. What do I mean by that? Simply step out­side. Fraudulence is every­where. From the rat-tail curve encir­cling the “H” of the Hilton logo to the poor­ly kerned sig­nage at your local bus depot, we live in a visu­al­ly pol­lut­ed envi­ron­ment. Graphic design­ers must keep our hood­ies zipped tight along with our val­ues. My aim is total unspar­ing hon­esty as it per­tains to my craft. I will pull no punch­es and expect the same from you, should we have the ben­e­fit of work­ing togeth­er in the future.”

  • 3 Ways to Earn More Money from Client Work
    The equa­tion seems sim­ple enough: if we want to make more mon­ey, we need to charge more for our work. Yet pric­ing is a fick­le issue, wrought with our own psy­cho­log­i­cal traps and misgivings.
  • 4 Myths About Apple Design, From An Ex-Apple Designer
    What’s life real­ly like design­ing for Apple? An alum shares what he learned dur­ing his sev­en years in Cupertino.
  • Tribune Publishing takes a new dig­i­tal subs approch
    Count Tribune Publishing among the legions of news­pa­pers look­ing to gin up dig­i­tal sub­scrip­tion rev­enue to help weath­er the rough ad climate.
  • 5 Ways Optimism And Positive Thinking Can Backfire On You
    “There are tons of lit­er­a­ture out there advo­cat­ing “pos­i­tive think­ing” as the key to hap­pi­ness. While numer­ous research find­ings have brought to light the many ben­e­fits of main­tain­ing an opti­mistic out­look in life, some of us pre­fer to keep a m…
  • 3 Color Theory Tips to Inspire Your Digital Design

    In addi­tion to see­ing how col­or com­bi­na­tions look, it’s impor­tant to under­stand the sci­ence — and social sci­ence — behind what makes them work. Whatever your skill lev­el is with design, these 3 col­or the­o­ry tips will help you nav­i­gate the com­plex art of choos­ing a col­or palette.”

  • iPad Magazine Pioneer Lights A Match And Walks Away

    It’s the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get on the right ele­va­tor,” Zeff tells Co​.Design. “The pub­lish­ing busi­ness has been an ele­va­tor that con­tin­ues to move down. This is the chance to get on an ele­va­tor mov­ing up. Or maybe not just ele­va­tor. Maybe a rock­et ship.”

  • 4 Things Recruiters Look for in a Design Portfolio
    “Competition among dig­i­tal cre­atives is fierce, and land­ing a job or a new client starts with a great port­fo­lio. To get the inside track on what com­pa­nies and recruiters look for in a design port­fo­lio, we sat down with Jennifer Pugh of The Hire…
  • How to Organise your Graphic Design Work
    A while a go a stu­dent on my logo design course emailed and asked me how I go about organ­is­ing my work. I though I would share my response:
  • Adobe builds out Photoshop 3D print­ing prowess – The Next Web
    A brand new update to Photoshop CC offers enhanced 3D print­ing capa­bil­i­ties and increased print­ing options.