Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 15 May 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • How to Maximize Your Free Storage Space on Every Cloud Service
    Between Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and a half dozen oth­er ser­vices, the sky’s the lim­it on how much cloud stor­age you can get for free. Here are some of the best tricks for get­ting it with each service.Tags: Dropbox OneDrive Box gDrive
  • What your clients real­ly think of mobile
    Marketers are get­ting the mes­sage that serv­ing the con­sumer at the mobile moment should be their top pri­or­i­ty. So are they invest­ing might­i­ly in mobile mar­ket­ing? Not as much as you might expect.Tags: Marketing
  • How to send a DMCA
    Here’s a quick tuto­r­i­al on how to send a DMCA to remove pho­tog­ra­phy copy­right infringement.Tags: Design Photography Copyright IP IPLaw
  • A Writer’s Work is the Product of Laziness
    A writer’s work is the prod­uct of lazi­ness, you see. A writer’s work essen­tial­ly con­sists of tak­ing his mind off things, of think­ing about some­thing else, of day­dream­ing, of not being in any hur­ry to go to sleep but to imag­ine something.


  • Who is more sat­is­fied with book roy­al­ty rates, tra­di­tion­al­ly pub­lished or self-published authors?
    Copy edi­tors, dic­tio­nary offi­cials and lan­guage experts seem to be com­ing around to using the gender-neutral ‘they’ in the sin­gu­lar, instead of ‘he or she.’


  • Career 101: The Company You Work For Is Not Your Friend
    One thing becomes appar­ent after the hon­ey­moon of a newly-launched career is over: Your employer–whether it’s a scrap­py start­up or a mas­sive multi-million dol­lar company–is not your friend. You are a resource. That means the only one you can trust, real­ly, is you. Here’s how to keep a cool head and stay in con­trol of your career.
  • Get the Tools You Need to Stop Writing Today! McSweeney’s Internet Tendency
    Then you’re miss­ing out on a cru­cial part of the cre­ative process if you don’t spend end­less hours star­ing at a blank page ques­tion­ing your exis­tence. If you’re not fac­ing crip­pling bat­tles with depres­sion, ques­tion­ing your place in the uni­verse, or not devel­op­ing ten­den­cies for get­ting black-out drunk, then it sounds like you need help not writ­ing your book.


  • Truly Vintage Designs and Typography
    The designs of pack­ag­ing from back in the day are very inspir­ing to look at, they give us a brief glimpse of design his­to­ry and trends in fore­gone eras.Tags: typog­ra­phy inspiration