Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 18 February 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • LatestFreeStuff​.co​.uk ‘Freeganism’ Site Is Coming To America – Forbes
    The very best entre­pre­neurs are suc­cess­ful because they love what they do. There real­ly is no sub­sti­tute for a pas­sion­ate founder, so per­haps that’s why Deepak Tailor has suc­ceed­ed in build­ing a site that receives more than 400k hits per month, with 75,000 email sub­scribers, sim­ply by rec­om­mend­ing the products […]
  • UX for the Enterprise

    Imagine this sce­nario. You’re hired to design a prod­uct that has a guar­an­teed audi­ence of 50,000 users, right out of the gate. Your clients have a ded­i­cat­ed sup­port staff with a com­plete­ly pre­dictable tech­nol­o­gy stack. Best of all, your work direct­ly improves the qual­i­ty of your users’ lives.

    That’s enter­prise UX.


  • UX for the Enterprise

    Imagine this sce­nario. You’re hired to design a prod­uct that has a guar­an­teed audi­ence of 50,000 users, right out of the gate. Your clients have a ded­i­cat­ed sup­port staff with a com­plete­ly pre­dictable tech­nol­o­gy stack. Best of all, your work direct­ly improves the qual­i­ty of your users’ lives.

    That’s enter­prise UX.


  • Transformicons – Animated icons, sym­bols and but­tons using SVG and CSS
    Animated icons, sym­bols and but­tons using SVG and CSSTags: UI UX CSS SVG
  • Calacanis: How Twitter will explode rev­enue: shar­ing rev­enue with top users
    Things are get­ting inter­est­ing in the Twittreloin … let us count the ways:Tags: Twitter
  • InDesign New Features Guide includ­ing Feb 2015 updates

    At-a-glance descrip­tion of new fea­tures for every ver­sion of InDesign from 1.0 in 1999 through the lat­est InDesign CC update. Created and main­tained by James Wamser @jameswamser .


  • The Huge Gap Between Digital and Print Rates for Freelance Writers [Infographic]
    The pen may be might­i­er than the sword, but today, the key­board is might­i­er than both.

    Yet, even though there are more oppor­tu­ni­ties, those oppor­tu­ni­ties have dri­ven down pay rates. Without suc­cess­ful sub­scrip­tion pay­walls and healthy ad rev­enue, dig­i­tal pub­lish­ers haven’t fig­ured out how to earn enough mon­ey off their con­tent just yet, and as a result, they typ­i­cal­ly can’t afford to pay writ­ers more than a few hun­dred dol­lars per arti­cle regard­less of the length.


  • 7 Lessons from a Systemwide iPad Program
    For the past year, Globe Education Network’s pri­vate and career col­leges, uni­ver­si­ties and train­ing cen­ters have been inte­grat­ing iPads into every aca­d­e­m­ic pro­gram. Here’s what they learned along the way.
  • Beyond $0.99: New tips on ebook price promotions
    But Kobo learned the val­ue of the cart at the end of the last year, when it added the abil­i­ty for cus­tomers to buy sev­er­al books simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. In December the com­pa­ny ran a 3‑for‑2 ebook pro­mo­tion for the first time, with great success.Tags: eprdctn…
  • Subtle CSS Touch and Click Feedback Effects
    A set of sub­tle effects for click or touch inter­ac­tions inspired by the visu­al­iza­tion of screen taps in mobile app showcases.Tags: UI UX MobileDesign