Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 19 October 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • How to Write Headlines that Surprise the Brain and Snap It to Attention
    Our brain is con­stant­ly pre­dict­ing and com­par­ing, so any sequence that looks famil­iar or pre­dictable can be repur­posed. Video, a sequence of pho­tos, etc. all could be used in this way.Tags: Marketing ContentMarketing Copywriting AmWriting
  • How to Use Pinterest on Your Author Website
    Author Assistant Kate Tilton teached authors how to use Pinterest on their author websites.Tags: Amwriting self­pub epub indiepub
  • Why Twitter’s Dying (And What You Can Learn From It)

    What hap­pened to Twitter? It’s a mys­tery, right?



  • How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back for More [Podcast]
    • How your sales tac­tics could be cost­ing you a great deal of mon­ey and respect
    • The key fac­tors that turn a buyer’s remorse sit­u­a­tion into a long-term, loy­al cus­tomer advocate
    • What you need to imple­ment for your mem­bers to achieve what you promised, so you can pro­duce fan­tas­tic case studies
  • Emotional Intelligence in Design — Facebook Design — How Design Grows Up
    We’re on a jour­ney togeth­er, you and me. We’ve come a long way, but design for the web is still in its ado­les­cence. In the ear­ly aughts we learned to build web­sites with­out tables, then we learned to use data to make deci­sions. Emotion nev­er played a role in dri­ving page views, pur­chas­es or video plays. We just need­ed to get peo­ple from point A to point B. People live their entire lives online now, we’re embark­ing on a new fron­tier as design­ers; we’re design­ing frame­works for peo­ple to exist online — a lot like they do offline.
