Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 2 January 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • The First Bible Set in Roman Type is a Beautiful Type Specimen

    Sweynheym and Pannartz are cred­it­ed with intro­duc­ing print­ing to Italy via their press at the monastery of Santa Scolastica at Subiaco, out­side of Rome in 1465. They appear to have been rel­a­tive­ly suc­cess­ful, even send­ing quite a num­ber of their books to Rome itself. However, in 1467 they move their press to Rome, where by 1473 they were all but out of busi­ness. However, in addi­tion to being Italy’s first typog­ra­phers, they were the first to print a Latin Bible in roman type (ISTC: ib00535000; Type: 2:115R)

  • Feet Don’t Lie: Look Down to Tell What Others Are Really Thinking
    The impor­tance of body lan­guage is stressed from an ear­ly age: watch those around you, and you’ll know what they’re think­ing. While you might be skilled at deci­pher­ing the mes­sages of crossed arms, slouched sit­ting, eye move­ments, and hand gest…
  • 20 Great Examples of Subtle Motion in Web Design

    Two mod­ern tech­nolo­gies of CSS/JS ani­ma­tion and HTML5 video allow design­ers to add awe­some motion effects to their web designs, com­mon exam­ples being large back­ground videos or web ele­ments that move into place. These effects don’t always have to be so obvi­ous though, which today’s fea­tured web­sites prove. Subtle motion and ani­ma­tion can real­ly enhance a design with­out being too dis­tract­ing. Check out these 20 web designs that make use of clever video loops, ani­mat­ed objects and par­ti­cle effects.


  • How Freelancers Should Create LinkedIn Profiles
    The prob­lem we were try­ing to solve is that if you only have one Experience sec­tion for your free­lance work, you might not reap the full ben­e­fits of LinkedIn search. However, if you list them all out indi­vid­u­al­ly, your LinkedIn pro­file is hard …
  • 12 Interactive UX Design Tutorials for Beginners
    Designing in the tech indus­try is car­ried out by a vari­ety of design­ers; such as web design­ers, User Interface design­ers, inter­ac­tion design­ers, front end devel­op­ers, and so on. User Experience Designers, gen­er­al­ly known as the UX Designers, ar…