Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 2 July 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Type Designer David Jonathan Ross Loves Contrast
    David Jonathan Ross designs type­faces at dig­i­tal type stu­dio The Font Bureau Inc, draw­ing let­ters of all shapes and sizes for cus­tom and retail. From reversed stress slab ser­ifs of the 19th cen­tu­ry to Art Deco sans ser­ifs of the 20th, he ransac…
  • How to Find Your Muse – and Fire Her

    The how-to, quick-fix-inundated world we live in ren­ders us vul­ner­a­ble to exces­sive def­er­ence. We search for our Muse using the advice we read, and once we’ve found her, we come to rely upon her for all inspi­ra­tion or ideas.

    Balderdash, I say. I’m not dimin­ish­ing the many heart­felt and poignant sources of inspi­ra­tion to which writ­ers return again and again. Quite the con­trary, this sup­ports my point all the more:

  • Illustrator Designs A Digital And A Hand-Written Typeface Every Day For A Year

    US illus­tra­tor Matt Chinworth has start­ed on a 365 day jour­nal, enti­tled ‘TypeSWAMP’, where he exper­i­ments with dig­i­tal and hand-written type.

    He puts him­self to the chal­lenge of cre­at­ing a new design every day, for an entire year. 

  • 10 Surreal Photo Manipulation Tutorials
    Being great at the art of pho­to manip­u­la­tion requires mas­sive amounts of cre­ativ­i­ty, patience, plan­ning and skills.
  • How To Sync Google Calendar With Every Other Platform

    Google Calendar is arguably the eas­i­est, most intu­itive and most ver­sa­tile way to orga­nize your day. The only prob­lem users com­mon­ly encounter is sync­ing it with their devices. While this is dead sim­ple when using Android, and easy enough to view in a brows­er on a PC, sync­ing with oth­er plat­forms is not always so obvi­ous. Here’s how to do it.

  • The Six Filters for Truth – Seeing Through Bias and B.S.

    All truths are easy to under­stand once they are dis­cov­ered; the point is to dis­cov­er them.” — Galileo Galilei

  • Creating A New Twitter Account Shows Why Twitter’s Struggling

    It feels like a missed oppor­tu­ni­ty to show­case oth­er users that are active and hav­ing con­ver­sa­tions with their fol­low­ers, rather than famous peo­ple. The val­ue in Twitter is not observ­ing and it’s clear that this fea­ture miss­es the point.

  • Creative Commons Licensing is Irrevocable, So Which License is Right for me?
    The impor­tant thing to note about CC licens­es is that they are irrev­o­ca­ble. Thus, if you release your images under a par­tic­u­lar CC license, oth­ers will always have the right to use them under that license even if you lat­er decide to stop distri…
  • How to Easily Colorize a Black-and-White Photograph in Photoshop
    Coloring a pho­to isn’t near­ly as hard as you might think. In fact, it can be achieved in three sim­ple steps using Photoshop. Read on for a basic method of col­oriz­ing a black-and-white pic­ture, fol­lowed by some tips for build­ing on this techniqu…
  • Make Grids in Photoshop with GuideGuide Plugin
    Guides are a pain. GuideGuide makes deal­ing with guides in Photoshop painless.