Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 21 May 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • The A to Z of Adobe Photoshop (Tuts+)
    Whether you’re a Photoshop ace, in need of brush­ing up on the lat­est updates, or the pro­gram is com­plete­ly new to you, this list will serve as a help­ful resource, break­ing down the tool­bar, pan­els, and many of the effects found with­in the progr…
  • Retrocomputing Brings Warhol’s Lost Digital Art Back to Life

    In 1985, Andy Warhol used an Amiga 1000 per­son­al com­put­er and the GraphiCraft soft­ware to cre­ate a series of dig­i­tal works. Warhol’s ear­ly com­put­er art­works are now view­able after 30 years of dormancy.

  • 10 Futurist Phrases And Terms That Are Complete Bullshit
    Here are 10 pseu­do­fu­tur­ist catch­phras­es and con­cepts that need to be elim­i­nat­ed from your vocabulary.
  • The Alliance of Independent Authors Petition for Self-Publishers’s Right

    The Alliance of Independent Authors has set up a Change​.org cam­paign advo­cat­ing for self-publisher’s rights. Here’s the let­ter to sign:

  • 3 Startup Lessons That Will Transform Your Business

    I’ve been an entre­pre­neur for more than half my life. But wis­dom cer­tain­ly comes with age and expe­ri­ence, and I’m hap­py to share some tips with you that have helped me through­out my career.

  • 10 Important WordPress Design Strategies to Follow in 2014
    WordPress has held its fort strong over the last few years as the most pre­ferred web design and devel­op­ment plat­form. If we feel the pulse of the mar­ket it is slat­ed to grow fur­ther in the future. Each year many design strate­gies emerge, while …
  • 7 Steps to an Effective Landing Page

    Landing page designs will vary, depend­ing on the indus­try that you’re in. However, most effec­tive land­ing pages have a few key ele­ments in com­mon that make them successful.

  • Using WordPress to Create a FAQ System With Custom Post Types

    I recent­ly worked with a client of mine, who works as a pro­fes­sion­al con­sul­tant in her area of work. She asked if I could imple­ment a Q&A sys­tem, or a FAQ page, to be exact. I said, “Sure, we can just cre­ate a page and paste the ques­tions and answers there with dif­fer­ent styling,” but she said she would cre­ate dif­fer­ent pages and cat­e­go­rize ques­tions and answers, and for the sake of being more orga­nized, she need­ed a dif­fer­ent approach.

  • Gen Y: Are you mis­judg­ing them?

    However, if you look at the facts, you can see that Generation Y isn’t evad­ing the work­place, they just have been grant­ed less oppor­tu­ni­ties to enter it. After all, 250 résumés per every open cor­po­rate posi­tion isn’t exact­ly promis­ing when you’re try­ing to land a job.

    In spite of the trou­bles they face in these less-than-favorable eco­nom­ic con­di­tions, Millennials con­tin­ue to be one of the most giv­ing gen­er­a­tions to date and are actu­al­ly a gen­er­a­tion full of char­ac­ter­is­tics worth emulating.

  • Easy Accounting Tools for Your Freelance Business

    Money is the lifeblood that keeps your busi­ness alive, and account­ing is what keeps it orga­nized. It’s how you can deter­mine if you’re mak­ing mon­ey, see the areas in which you’re los­ing it, exam­ine where mon­ey is being spent, and how to save etc…