Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 23 May 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 11 Designs that Rocked the World
    Design goes far beyond mak­ing things pret­ty and func­tion­al: it can be a strong force for change too, as these exam­ples show.
  • Why Hiring An Editor For Your Self-Published Book Is Unavoidable

    Over the past few years, I’ve read quite a few self-published books. Most of the books have been won­der­ful and I thor­ough­ly enjoyed them. Yet some have been painful to read. Others have been good, but could have been great with the assis­tance of an expe­ri­enced edi­tor. Too many self-published authors don’t think read­ers can tell if their nov­el hasn’t been pro­fes­sion­al­ly edit­ed. Trust me, most of us can. As for authors who skip uti­liz­ing beta read­ers and cri­tique part­ners, that shows as well.

  • Responsive Images: Best Practices for Adapting Images Across Platforms
    That said, design­ers are still await­ing an ele­gant way to man­age images in respon­sive lay­outs. You can define CSS prop­er­ties that scale an image to var­i­ous screen sizes, but the brows­er still down­loads the full-sized ver­sion. This can be a prob…
  • Why Designers Need Human Contact
    “I’m guess­ing if you did a study on design­ers, the majority…would fall on [the intro­vert] side of the spec­trum. It’s just in our nature to be more in our heads and less in our words. And with so much con­ver­sa­tion being done online, we are poi…
  • How to Find Your Creative Home by Author of Eat, Pray, Love
    Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love dis­cuss­es how both fear and suc­cess can dri­ve us away from cre­ativ­i­ty in her talk Success, Failure and the Drive to Keep Creating. Both extremes bring us to a place of par­a­lyze where we are afraid th…
  • What’s Wrong With Mac OS X?
    Apple’s desk­top OS has fall­en into dis­ar­ray as the com­pa­ny shift­ed focus to iOS. Four major Mac devel­op­ers say its time for that to change.
  • Web Designs Using Transparent Buttons
    With the advent of flat design, design­ers are hav­ing to look for ways to make their designs appeal­ing with­out los­ing func­tion­al­i­ty. An emerg­ing trend is trans­par­ent call-to-action but­tons, also called ghost but­tons or hollow/empty but­tons. Some…
  • Do You Have To Be A Freak To Be A Good Entrepreneur? Chris Brogan Says Yes

    I sus­pect that there are real­ly a lot of “grown-up clos­et freaks” out there who could be great entre­pre­neurs. We should real­ly be entic­ing them to over­come their fears of think­ing dif­fer­ent­ly. Chris Brogan, in his new book, “The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth,” offers some great steps of encour­age­ment for them on how come out of the clos­et, some of which I will para­phrase here:

  • Do You Have To Be A Freak To Be A Good Entrepreneur? Chris Brogan Says Yes

    I sus­pect that there are real­ly a lot of “grown-up clos­et freaks” out there who could be great entre­pre­neurs. We should real­ly be entic­ing them to over­come their fears of think­ing dif­fer­ent­ly. Chris Brogan, in his new book, “The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth,” offers some great steps of encour­age­ment for them on how come out of the clos­et, some of which I will para­phrase here:

  • Rocking your first year as a free­lance design­er (Months 1 & 2)

    There’s no rose with­out a thorn, though, and much of the stuff you can find out there is aimed at folks that already have their sys­tems set in place. For instance, if I have a good work­ing machine for get­ting free­lance design leads then any tip on how to make it more effi­cient is gold to me!

    But what if I don’t have any­thing? Where do I even start? I mean, if some­one says “here’s the most effec­tive tem­plate for respond­ing to job list­ings” then how is that actu­al­ly help­ing my busi­ness get off the ground? Should I take this tem­plate and run wild with it?