Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 3 July 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 10 typog­ra­phy tricks every design­er should know
    Banish kern­ing calami­ties and learn to love lead­ing with our expert tips and tricks for per­fect typography.
  • How To Go Freelance. Advice from Rik Lomas.

    Going free­lance means that you need a plan. It shouldn’t be some­thing you do on a whim. Step one is start sav­ing mon­ey. You will need some kind of mon­e­tary fall­back when you go free­lance. Plan for the worst. I would sug­gest sav­ing around one or two months worth of salary in the bank before div­ing in. I went free­lance with £1,500 (around $2,500, €1,800) in my bank account and I need­ed around 75% of it in the first few months.

  • Lessons Learned by Being the Client
    At first we only out­sourced design, but increas­ing­ly we are also using out­side help for development.

    Here are some of the things I have learned by being the client.

  • Tips for Enticing Freelance Clients to Pay Faster and Finalize Payment Sooner
    However if you think ahead and are clever in your way of work­ing with clients you can instead turn a severe headache into a major oppor­tu­ni­ty to get more out of the project than what you ini­tial­ly asked for. The strat­e­gy of doing that is a litt…
  • The Day’s Color: A Site for Daily Color Inspiration

    For a reg­u­lar dose of col­or scheme inspi­ra­tion, head over to Nigel Evan Dennis’s site, The Day’s Color. On The Day’s Color, a col­or palette is pub­lished every day. You can use the palettes as inspi­ra­tion towards devel­op­ing a col­or scheme, or set them as your desk­top wall­pa­per background.

  • The Publishing Industry Isn’t Dead, But It IS Evolving

    The rumors of the pub­lish­ing industry’s death have been great­ly exag­ger­at­ed. Long-form con­tent is expe­ri­enc­ing a resur­gence thanks to new tech­nolo­gies that cre­ate new mon­e­ti­za­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties for the publishers.

    The ongo­ing and recent­ly resur­faced, “Amazon ver­sus the pub­lish­ing indus­try” debate cou­pled with the recent news of Time Inc. going pub­lic seem­ly high­light­ed one thing: the pub­lish­ing indus­try is dying. Common belief is that con­sumers pre­fer shiny screens to glossy mag­a­zines, tweets to tomes and pub­lish­ers don’t under­stand how to embrace new tech­nol­o­gy to meet new con­sumer demands, both long and short.

    Don’t believe the hype. That’s not the case, but the pub­lish­ing indus­try is expe­ri­enc­ing an evolution.

  • Self-Published Sci-Fi eBook Series Licensed for Major Motion Picture Trilogy Adaptation
    Yes, self-published works CAN go all the way to fame and for­tune in Hollywood.
  • How To Use Punctuation Marks Correctly

    Don’t just depend on spelling and gram­mar check­ers in Word. If you do, you’re prob­a­bly mak­ing dumb gram­mar mis­takes that can oth­er­wise be avoid­ed. By learn­ing the prop­er use of punc­tu­a­tion marks, you’re not only improv­ing your knowl­edge, but also caus­ing less con­fu­sion for your readers.

  • Considering Graphic Design School? There Are Things You Need To Know
    If you want to great­ly increase your chances of land­ing a job as a pro­fes­sion­al graph­ic design­er, it is impor­tant to con­sid­er going to graph­ic design school. This def­i­nite­ly is not a deci­sion to take light­ly. Here are some impor­tant things to c…
  • Car Market Explodes In June As America Buys Everything. Best Month of Sales Since 2006
    It was 17 mil­lion, mak­ing June’s 1.4 mil­lion sales part of the best month since July 2006 when it was­n’t quite clear that we were head­ed right off a fis­cal cliff.
  • The Collaboration Paradox: Why Working Together Often Yields Weaker Results

    But what if we’ve mis­un­der­stood the lessons of McCartney and Lennon? What if The Beatles’s pro­duc­tiv­i­ty teach­es us some­thing entire­ly dif­fer­ent about how col­lab­o­ra­tions work? What if we’ve been doing it all wrong?

  • The Noguchi Filing System Keeps Paper Documents Organized On Its Own
    For those of us still strug­gling with paper files, the Noguchi fil­ing sys­tem can keep our doc­u­ments in order effort­less­ly. All you do is set it up, and it orga­nizes itself. Here’s how it works.