Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 31 August 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • 13 Things Happy, Successful and Contented Writers Do on the Weekends
    Articles have been writ­ten about what suc­cess­ful peo­ple do on their week­ends. But, what specif­i­cal­ly do hap­py, suc­cess­ful and con­tent­ed writ­ers do on the week­end? Do you want to know their secret? It’s the same thing that they do every oth­er day.


  • 10 Meaningful Practices for Every Writer

    Here are 10 smart, yet sim­ple ways for every writer—from nov­el­ists to jour­nal­ists to poets—to enrich his or her mind and become bet­ter at cul­ti­vat­ing ideas and putting them to the page.


  • The Self-Publishing Sky is Not Falling
    First of all, just like in the Old West, the gold rush made scant mil­lion­aires. There were nev­er going to be abun­dant strikes except for the few. If the gold rush in dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing ever was, it was irrel­e­vant to the vast major­i­ty of authors.

    Second, the key to mak­ing a liv­ing as a writer, has not changed and will nev­er change, because it’s always been the same!
    To wit:
