Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 4 July 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • 7 Best Practices for Using GIFs and Cinemagraphs for Business
    GIFs and cin­ema­graphs are a fun and inno­v­a­tive way for brands to con­nect with their audi­ence in the era of Tumblr, BuzzFeed and oth­er media plat­forms attempt­ing to hack the viral­i­ty of the Internet.
  • Essential UX Tips for Your Website

    For this arti­cle, let’s try to trans­form that under­stand­ing into tan­gi­ble and per­ceiv­able changes in your web­sites. We amassed a few essen­tial UX tips for your website!

  • How To Sell More To Your Existing Clients
    Then it might seem like hav­ing a sales strat­e­gy might not be nec­es­sary. But that can be a way of avoid­ing how to grow your busi­ness, and grad­u­al­ly increas­ing your rates.

    Here are a few ideas on how you can upsell your ser­vices to your existing…

  • Typographic Alphabet Blocks Let Children Learn About Famous Typefaces

    These uncon­ven­tion­al chil­dren’s alpha­bet blocks, named the ‘Typeblocks’, would be per­fect for the chil­dren of design lovers. 

  • No Longer Fired-up About DPS for Book Apps

    For pub­lish­ers who want beautifully-designed dig­i­tal books with more lay­out con­trol than is avail­able with epub, Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite (DPS) can seem like a great option. DPS allows design­ers to reuse exist­ing InDesign lay­outs and to have com­plete con­trol over design and lay­out. In addi­tion, DPS allows inter­ac­tiv­i­ty to be added through audio, video, slideshows, and much, much more. With this infor­ma­tion, Adobe cre­ates an app that can be dis­trib­uted via Apple’s App Store.

  • Griddify, Another Free Photoshop Panel That Makes Grid Design Easy

    Griddify will help you estab­lish a cus­tom grid using Photoshop guides. This tool will save you lots of time and it also takes out the need to man­u­al­ly per­form cal­cu­la­tions for your grid’s spac­ing, divi­sions, widths, heights, etc.

  • What’s the evi­dence on using ratio­nal argu­ment to change people’s minds?
    Are we, the human species, unrea­son­able? Do ratio­nal argu­ments have any pow­er to sway us, or is it all intu­ition, hid­den moti­va­tions, and var­i­ous oth­er forms of prejudice?
  • 5 Things Every Designer Should Know When Dealing With Clients [Comic]

    There are many things which free­lancers need to know when start­ing a free­lance career. It’s impos­si­ble to learn every­thing at once but here is a bril­liant com­ic which goes through five things which you should know. All five things are very valu­able bits of advice when you’re a free­lancer. This com­ic doesn’t just apply to design­ers though, free­lancers in gen­er­al can learn from it.

  • 10 Hard Realities Clients Should Know About Hiring Freelancers
    Many poten­tial clients try to hire remote staff but come short. It can hap­pen for many rea­sons. The brief could have been unclear, the client could have picked the wrong con­trac­tor, or had unrea­son­able expectations.

    There are a few hard realit…

  • What Makes a Good Business Partner and How to Find One

    However, the chal­lenge is find­ing the right per­son. Countless are the sto­ries of part­ner­ships that don´t work out. One par­ty might be screwed, both can be pushed beyond the break­ing point, or there is just not the right chem­istry, or dynam­ic between the part­ners. It might there­fore be worth ask­ing what is a good part­ner for you.

    Here is a check­list for find­ing a great partner: