Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 6 November 2017

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Tips for Graphic Designers
    “Graphic Designing is a high­ly cre­ative busi­ness where text, pic­tures and draw­ings need to be put aes­thet­i­cal­ly in adver­tise­ments, books, logos, brands, posters web­sites and mag­a­zines. While design­ing a web­site or web page in par­tic­u­lar Graphic…
  • Why Some People Have No Boundaries Online
    “One is our bound­ary pref­er­ences: are we inte­gra­tors or seg­men­tors? If you’re an inte­gra­tor, you like to build bridges between your pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al lives. Integrators strive to blend their jobs with their lives out­side work—they’re eager to talk about their kids at work, don’t mind bring­ing their work home, and hap­py to share the same infor­ma­tion with col­leagues as fam­i­ly and friends.”
  • Beautiful, Photorealistic Still Life Illustrations Made With Just A Black Pen
    “Using noth­ing more than a fine-tip black pen, she was able to cre­ate her beau­ti­ful draw­ings with a tedious dot­ting tech­nique that requires the artist to be extreme­ly metic­u­lous and have a huge amount of patience. ”
  • 12 Most Striking Tendencies of Creative People
    Ever won­der what makes those wacky, cre­ative types tick? How is it that some peo­ple seem to come up with all kinds of inter­est­ing, orig­i­nal work while the rest of us trudge along in our dai­ly routines?
    Creative peo­ple are dif­fer­ent because they…
  • Avoid Issues By Saving Your Artwork Properly In InDesign For Printing
    “Adding bleeds from the start, BEFORE YOU EVEN START, is cru­cial. Think about it, you’re work­ing on a 200+ page cat­a­log and then you find out you have to go back and extend the bleed of every sin­gle object in every sin­gle page!! I real­ly think if that hap­pened to me I’d be Keanu-level bummed…”