Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 7 August 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Realistic Finger Painting by Zaria Forman for Your Inspiration
    That prob­a­bly con­jures an image of what fin­ger paint­ing is like as a kid but her photo-realistic mas­ter­pieces are tru­ly breath­tak­ing. Using her hands, paint, and chalk, she cre­ates exquis­ite details of icy land­scapes and beach­es to high­light th…
  • New Open Source Font Family: Source Han Sans

    If you’re a type­face enthu­si­ast or a design­er who cre­ates work for inter­na­tion­al audi­ences, you don’t want this news to fly under your radar. Last week, Adobe and Google announced their recent font col­lab­o­ra­tion: Source Han Sans. This is the first open source Pan-CJK type­face that sup­ports Japanese, Chinese and Korean (along with Latin, Greek and Cyrillic) alpha­bets. Take a clos­er look at how it was developed.

  • Top 7 Things Clients Do that Frustrate Freelancers

    There is no hid­ing the fact that, although there are lots of good clients out there, even the best clients can do things that can trig­ger a free­lancer to lose inter­est in the project, the client and any future work­ing rela­tion­ships with that client. It might be things the clients aren’t even aware of, that they might do out of habit, or when stressed. Regardless of the rea­sons, it can be frus­trat­ing, and from a freelancer’s per­spec­tive, they should not hap­pen. – See more at: http://​dig​i​talmined​.com/​t​o​p​-​7​-​t​h​i​n​g​s​-​c​l​i​e​n​t​s​-​d​o​-​t​h​a​t​-​f​r​u​s​t​r​a​t​e​-​f​r​e​e​l​a​n​c​e​r​s​/​#​s​t​h​a​s​h​.​h​x​M​m​p​D​8​w​.​X​X​K​g​W​s​F​r.dpuf

  • The Future Is Here – Your Guide To Having A Paperless Life Today

    Paperless – a term that is used quite often now days. But what does it mean? And to what extent does it apply? Certainly we all still use paper to some degree despite the advance­ments in tech­nol­o­gy, so how can we go com­plete­ly paperless?

  • Did You Know Uber Drivers Rate You, Too? Find Out Your Uber Passenger Rating
    Uber is a great way to get a ride with­out hav­ing to hail a cab. When you fin­ish a ride, you get a chance to rate your dri­ver and your expe­ri­ence. However, the dri­vers get to rate you too. Here’s how to find out your rat­ing, which is nor­mal­ly a …
  • Making Different Shapes in Pure CSS

    New CSS prop­er­ties like trans­form and border-radius add com­plex­i­ty with shapes instead of cre­at­ing them in draw­ing applications.

    In today’s tuto­r­i­al, let’s cre­ate a sim­ple list of the most com­mon shapes that can be done using CSS3.

  • How to Incorporate the Pantone Color of the Year into Your Site
    Every year, Pantone announces the Color of the Year. In 2014, the Color of the Year is Radiant Orchid. While this may seem like news that only affects fash­ion design­ers and paint man­u­fac­tur­ers, it also affects web design trends.
  • The Graphic Designer and Ethics
    The truth is that the graph­ic design com­mu­ni­ty can do so much in bring­ing beau­ty, intel­li­gence and integri­ty to our soci­ety. But it can also col­lab­o­rate in help­ing to degrade life to an increas­ing­ly depress­ing lev­el. So please use your tal­ent w…