Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 8 July 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Journalists, Take (Or, Better Yet, Leave) Notes Updating Older, Personally Impactful Stories

    We know media out­lets print retrac­tions and apolo­gies but these often don’t car­ry the same weight in search results as the orig­i­nal source mate­r­i­al. But if jour­nal­ists were to add a vis­i­ble, quick note to the pri­ma­ry arti­cle, that would go a long way toward help­ing the human sub­jects of their pieces – the actu­al liv­ing, breath­ing peo­ple whose lives are mate­ri­al­ly and often dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly affect­ed by coverage.

  • 38 Things Only People Who Work From Home Will Understand (Humor)
    Freelance? Self-Employed? Work remote­ly? THIS IS FOR YOU.
  • Who Are the Artists Featured in Adobe CC 2014 Splash Screens?

    Eleven artists cre­ated the thir­teen beau­ti­ful splash screens cur­rently on dis­play in the Creative Cloud 2014-version Adobe appli­ca­tion vir­tual gallery. I tracked down each of those artists and linked to his or her full Behance port­fo­lio so that we can all be inspired by the full breadth of the artists’ work.

  • Five B2B Marketing Trends For 2015 That You Can Put To Work Now
    We may have bare­ly crossed into the sec­ond half of 2014, but if you want to have a big year in 2015, you should jump on your game plan now. As you lay the foun­da­tion of your 2015 mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy, here are five mar­ket­ing trends to give you a …
  • Review of the Book: Size-specific Adjustments to Type Designs
    For decades now, typog­ra­phy has lacked a vital com­po­nent. Yet most of us had no idea what was missing.
  • 15 Excellent Tips for Getting More Out of Dropbox
    In this post we will be shar­ing with you 15 oth­er things that you can do with Dropbox, includ­ing down­load legal tor­rents remote­ly (yes, Dropbox checks the legal­i­ty aspect for you), restore over­writ­ten doc­u­ments, change the back­ground wallpaper …
  • Best Tips for Photographing Fireworks

    Fireworks pho­tos, in my expe­ri­ence, are usu­al­ly an all-or-nothing propo­si­tion. You either get the shot or you don’t. The good news is that there are steps you can take and tips you can fol­low that will vast­ly increase your chances of suc­cess. This is not a rank­ing. Missing any one of these ele­ments can mean the dif­fer­ence between a crisp, dra­mat­ic pho­to and an over/under-exposed frame of out-of-focus smoke. Instead, I chose to list our tips for pho­tograph­ing fire­works in the order you’ll need them.

  • Sony Opens Hollywood Studio-Level Ci Platform to Limited Number of Smaller Firms, Individuals

    Until now, Sony Media Cloud Services’ Ci plat­form has only been avail­able to major LA film and TV pro­duc­tions. Now we’re giv­ing free access to a lim­it­ed num­ber of peo­ple to get your input. So try Ci on us and expe­ri­ence the most pow­er­ful online film and video col­lab­o­ra­tion tools ever made (no cred­it card required!)