Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 9 December 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • What does the future of work look like?

    Singh believes that desk­top apps are on their way out. “Sure, some peo­ple work on their desk­tops, but they’re increas­ing­ly get­ting more done on mobile devices. In the future, you’ll be spend­ing even more time on them, away from your desk.”

  • 30+ Free Flat UI (User Interface) Kits For Designers
    These free flat user inter­face kits are per­fect for web & mobile UI design­ers, devel­op­ers and design agencies.Tags: UX UI Design
  • The Rise of the Emoji in Branding
    Before we all begin decry­ing the fall of civ­i­liza­tion, let’s stop to review emo­jis for a moment. We know that an image can be incred­i­bly effec­tive in cap­tur­ing the feel­ings and thoughts of some­one, and break­ing across the lim­its of lan­guage. Think back to the most com­pelling pho­tographs of the last century—the haunt­ed, com­pelling eyes of a young Indian girl star­ing from the cov­er of National Geographic or the enthu­si­as­tic joy of a sailor cel­e­brat­ing the end of WWII with a kiss. Pictures have a pow­er to imme­di­ate­ly draw and com­mu­ni­cate a host of sen­sa­tion and feelings.


  • How to Clone Your Best Employee
    Wish all your employ­ees were like your best employ­ee? Here are tips for cre­at­ing more rock­stars in your business.Tags: Entrepreneur Leadership Brassballs
  • For This Interior Designer, Relationships Come First
    By cul­ti­vat­ing a net­work of arti­sans, Jeannine Williams has built a thriv­ing inte­ri­or design firm-and enjoyed every minute of it.Tags: Design Business Freelance
  • easy­book – Create eBooks from Markdown
    700 page ebook pub­lished in 4 sec­onds (that’s 6 times faster than most of our competition)
  • 5 Secrets to Awesome User Design
    While there is much to learn about user expe­ri­ence best prac­tices, there are secrets that can guide you to quick­er, bet­ter deci­sions. Outlined below are five secrets to cre­at­ing user expe­ri­ences focus­ing specif­i­cal­ly on user end goals.Tags: UX UI Desi…
  • Music Law: Managing a Band’s Business [1‑Hour Video Course]
    Learn to avoid the major music busi­ness and legal pit­falls that can break bands apart, such as finan­cial mis­man­age­ment and con­tract disputes.
  • How to Make a Big Impression With a Tiny Team
    Thanks to tech­nol­o­gy, free­lancers just like you and me can col­lab­o­rate on projects with­out hop­ping on a plane. But there are some things you need to do to make sure that you can wow your client with a tiny team.Tags: Entrepreneur Freelance
  • Pushbullet’s New Paywall Is a Perfect Example of How NOT to Monetize an App
    In the ongo­ing strug­gle between users want­i­ng free ser­vices and devel­op­ers try­ing to eat, Pushbullet has emerged as the heel.Tags: Entrepreneur PushBullet StartUp
  • Why The Promise Of Unlimited Cloud Storage Keeps Getting Broken
    A worry-free online file repos­i­to­ry makes sense on paper, but real­i­ty often gets in the way.
  • Eight Uncommon Typography and Punctuation Marks

    Let’s exam­ine the aster­ism and sev­en oth­er punc­tu­a­tion marks des­ig­nat­ed as uncom­mon typography.


  • Pantone Collaborates with Street Artists for Color of the Year
    Selecting two col­ors as their PANTONE Color of the Year for the first time, the trend com­pa­ny took to Instagram to show off their col­lab­o­ra­tion with artists Man One, Victor Quinonez, and Werc AlvarezTags: PANTONE
  • Photoshop for Designers: Working with Shapes
    Shapes are key to the most icon­ic graph­ic designs in his­to­ry. They’re also the secret weapons of busy design­ers, enabling them to whip up cool, crisp graph­ics quick­ly. Watch this course to learn the ins and outs of cre­at­ing pro­fes­sion­al designs and ar…
  • Copywriting Principles That Will Make New Users Love You
    Appcues’ Jackson Noël talks about how good copy­writ­ing should build enthu­si­asm, relieve com­mon user anx­i­eties, tell users why, and reflect your mission.Tags: Writing AmWriting copywriting
  • An In-Depth Look At The Beautiful Color Palettes Of The 20th Century
    Author Katie Greenwood took the time to study the var­i­ous col­or palettes pop­u­lar through­out the 20th cen­tu­ry, focus­ing on col­ors that appeared com­mon­ly in fash­ion and design. Her book titled 100 Years of Colors fea­tures 100 care­ful­ly cho­sen images which rep­re­sent a col­or palette from every year of the 20th century. 


  • Traditional Homepages Are Obsolete, Says Quartz. Here’s What They Built Instead.
    Quartz does­n’t think online pub­li­ca­tions should have home­pages. Instead, they should have faces that show off their personality.Tags: Branding Marketing
  • Syte – Set Up a Simple Personal Site with Built-in Social Integrations
    Syte is a real­ly sim­ple but pow­er­ful pack­aged per­son­al site that has social inte­gra­tions like Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr, WordPress, Last​.fm, SoundCloud, Bitbucket, StackOverflow, Flickr and Steam.
  • There’s a hid­den por­trait under the Mona Lisa, says French scientist
    A French sci­en­tist says he’s found a hid­den por­trait under­neath that enig­mat­ic smile using reflec­tive light tech­nol­o­gy. The ver­sion in the Louvre might not be of silk mer­chan­t’s wife Lisa Gherardini, as is wide­ly believed, and could be of a different …
  • Swearing Politely With TextExpander
    A set of TextExpander macros to “car­toon cen­sor” less friend­ly words online. Thus “moth­ertruck­ers” becomes “&%^*#$!¡@ø@ers” and “duck­ing” becomes “ø&¡$ing.”
  • Net Neutrality Is Back In Court Again
    A fed­er­al appeals court is issu­ing a rul­ing today that could undo reg­u­la­tions pro­tect­ing the principle.Tags: NetNeutrality