Adobe CS3 to be Announced on 27 March

In a note to clients last week, accord­ing to Apple Insider, Merrill Lynch ana­lyst Jay Vleeschhouwer stat­ed that the announce­ment of Adobe’s much-anticipated CS3 release was immi­nent, and word was soon con­firmed by Adobe in an announce­ment about the announc­ment:

We can now con­firm that Adobe Creative Suite 3 will be announced March 27, 2007. The com­pa­ny is cel­e­brat­ing the launch at an event in New York City that will be web­cast live at 3:30pm ET

Relase Date Has Not Changed

Adobe plans on rolling out the CS3 range with great fan­fare and a com­plete look at what the much-anticipated release will con­tain. However it should be not­ed that even though CS3 is to be announced on 27 March, the actu­al prod­uct release is still not expect­ed until lat­er this spring, accord­ing to the company.