Online Video CS3 Tutorials, Compliments of Adobe

To sup­port the launch of Creative Suite 3 prod­ucts, Adobe has mount­ed a free video work­shop library, acces­si­ble to all.

The library, found at the end of this link, con­tains tuto­ri­als for Acrobat 8 Professional, Adobe Stock Photos, and CS3 mem­bers Bridge, Contribute, Device Central, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop Standard and Extended, and Version Cue. Instructors such as David Blatner, Mordy Golding, and Anne-Marie Concepción lead the eager CS3 begin­ner through a grab-bag of tac­tics from begin­ning to inter­me­di­ate and advanced tasks such as learn­ing to use the search fea­tures of InDesign, 3D Drawing in Illustrator, and many others.

The URL for the good­ies is http://​www​.adobe​.com/​d​e​s​i​g​n​c​e​n​t​e​r​/​v​i​d​e​o​_​w​o​r​kshop/.

2 thoughts on “Online Video CS3 Tutorials, Compliments of Adobe

  1. Guy van der Kolk

    These video’s are also avail­able through the CS3 help sys­tem. For exam­ple, the new Live Color help-topic links to these video’s.

  2. Samuel John Klein

    True, and a cool thing that is. Teh cool­ness inher­ent in this sit­u­a­tion is that any­one who has a web brows­er and Adobe Flash 9 can view them (Provided, of course, they’re con­nect­ed to the intarweb)

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