QuarkXPress 7 Public Beta 2 Available Now

New Public Beta set to expire 1 May 2006

As promised by Quark (and report­ed ear­li­er here) the QuarkXPress 7 Public Beta 2 has been post­ed on Quark’s pub­lic beta web­site as of today, the day before the time bombs in the Public Beta 1 are set to go off; Public Beta 1 will become inop­er­a­tive on 1 April.

The down­load (116MB and avail­able in reg­u­lar, International English, and Passport fla­vors for both Mac OS X and Windows) as well an XML Import XTension are avail­able for imme­di­ate down­load to reg­is­tered pro­gram par­tic­i­pants. Enrollment in the XPress beta test pro­gram is open to all; details (and sign-up) are avail­able here.

Quark sats they are accept­ing com­men­tary on the pub­lic betas through 2 May 2006, so this might be the final go around. If you want a hands-on look at what QuarkXPress 7 can do, now would be the time to go for it. 

QuarkXPress 7, pub­lic beta program

4 thoughts on “QuarkXPress 7 Public Beta 2 Available Now

  1. Stan

    If a Quark falls in the for­est and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?

  2. Peter

    As long as Adobe does­n’t have Intel sup­port they can get lost.
    Unbelievable that I need to pay for an Intel ver­sion of Creative Suite.

    Monopoly, here we come again.
    Why is our indus­try so blind? 


  3. Ninondo73

    I read an arti­cle about their new pre­flight fea­tures with­in the appli­ca­tion. I used PasteBoard and FlightCheck Professional from Markzware for over 7 years now. I think they have a patent on their prod­uct. I hate to see Quark and Adobe rip­ping off oth­er com­pa­ny patent. Adobe In-Design has pre­flight build-in but its so lame. I still use FlightCheck Professional, it save my life so many time and I will con­tin­ue to stick with it.

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