Rorohiko LayerLifter Lifts IDCS3 Objects Lightly

Kris Coppieters and the light­ning brains at Rorohiko have anoth­er bit of free beta good­ness for InDesigners, and it’s ready to go now.

Rorohiko have a preter­nat­ur­al way of find­ing auto­mat­ed solu­tions to prob­lems you did­n’t know you had. In this case, it’s trans­fer­ring objects between lay­ers. Succinctly, the new LayerLifter allows you to select one or more objects in your lay­out, then with a CTRL-click (or right-click for Windowers) and a lay­er name selec­tion, send all those select­ed items straight to the select­ed lay­er from what­ev­er lay­ers they are already on.

This pro­vides an opti­mized alter­na­tive to using the Layers palette for doing such work. 

We are oblig­ed to offer a dislcaimer that the soft­ware is beta, and this writer has not had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to test it out yet. However, we have used Rorohiko beta plu­g­ins in the past with no dif­fi­cul­ties that we can remember. 

If you’re game, go to Rorohiko’s page here and down­load the plu­g­in (and don’t for­get the Active Item Page Runtime that will enable InD to wield Rorohiko magic–if you have it, you already know, and if you don’t, they make it easy to get. Don’t sweat it–its easy to install)