Slendro Releases SearchLinks Plugin for InDesign

Slendro's just-released plugin touts quick searches of webnative Xinet databases for FPO images

From thi­er press release:

Slendro SearchLinks is capa­ble of search­ing Xinet FPOs. Once users con­fig­ure “Slendro SearchLinks” to work with Xinet web­na­tive data­base, users can start search­ing for the Pictures they uploaded to Xinet web­na­tive servers. 

Search is a data­base search and is as fast as search­ing in a data­base. Typical search turn­around time is 2–3 sec­onds. Users can then drag and drop the searched results on to the Layout documents.

For more infor­ma­tion on thi­er SearchLinks plu­g­in (as well as thi­er PictureLinks plu­g­in), see thi­er home page: www​.slen​dro​.com.