The Netherlands' Largest Weekly Magazine Goes Woodwing

Popular general-interest magazine transitions from Quark Publishing System to Woodwing's Smart Connection Enterprise featuring InDesign and InCopy. Power, ease of transition were concerns.

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In a press release pub­lished 29 August 2005, the site Presse Mitteilung announced that the largest week­ly mag­a­zine in the Netherlands, Elsevier Magazine, has tran­si­tioned from Quark Publishing System and QuarkXPress to Woodwing’s Smart Connection Enterpriseâ„¢ pub­lish­ing sys­tem, fea­tur­ing a work­flow based on Adobe InDesignâ„¢ for lay­out and Adobe InCopyâ„¢ for edi­to­r­i­al support.

The mag­a­zine is report­ed as being not only impressed with the pow­er and flex­i­bil­i­ty of thi­er new sys­tem, but also with the speed and smooth­ness of tran­si­tion, with only about two months elaps­ing between thi­er first meet­ing about Smart Connection Enterprise until the new sys­tem went live. “WoodWing was able to imple­ment the sys­tem quick­ly, and we’ve had great suc­cess with it,” Hans Crooijmans, asso­ciate editor-in-chief of Elsevier was quot­ed as saying.

The arti­cle can be read in full at Presse Mittelung’s web­site here.

3 thoughts on “The Netherlands' Largest Weekly Magazine Goes Woodwing

  1. marco

    InDesign is real­ly boom­ing here in the Netherlands! The largest news­pa­pers and pub­lish­ers have also switched to InDesign. It’s every­where in the OSX and design forums. Every design agency that takes itselve seri­ous uses it. Perhaps it’s because we are so fund of effe­ci­en­tie? Or is it because we can get a lot more work done in the same time? The only rea­son for me to boot Xpress 6 is to con­vert to 5 and from 5 to 4. So I can open it in InDesign ;-). The use of Xpress 6 is banned. (The only thing I hope they will inprove is the use of col­or­sync and RGB, CMYK profiles).

  2. Samuel John Klein


    The use of Xpress 6 is banned.

    On your per­son­al machine or in NL in general?

    The above is a half-serious question…

    Another ques­tion which springs to mind-on my own machine I main­tain a copy of XPress 6.5. Just off hand, do you know of many designers/shops (with­in your expe­ri­ence, anway) that main­tain any ver­sion of Quark because it’s hard to say when a Quark file will come thi­er way?

  3. marco

    Indeed. Just two copies for the entire stu­dio. We have to just to con­vert QXD doc­u­ments for use in InDesign.

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