Secret Functions of Adobe Acrobat Pro X

Secret Functions of Adobe Acrobat Pro X

We all use PDFs and Adobe Acrobat on a reg­u­lar basis–the mod­ern world could­n’t func­tion with­out PDFs. Still, despite the con­stant use, there are many fea­tures and almost mys­ti­cal pow­ers with­in Acrobat Pro that even the most expe­ri­enced users don’t know about. In this 2‑hour ses­sion we’ll explore those hid­den gems and what they can do in the real world for you and your work.

Graphs and Charts of Unlimited Creativity in Illustrator

Graphs and Charts of Unlimited Creativity in Illustrator

Charts and graphs don’t have to be bor­ing. In fact, using Adobe Illustrator, they can be down right amaz­ing! Whether you import data from Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Docs Spreadsheet, or anoth­er data set or fill in the num­bers direct­ly in Illustrator, you can be cre­at­ing gor­geous, high­ly illus­tra­tive, option­al­ly 3D pie charts, bar charts, col­umn charts, radar charts, and many more in just minutes!

InDesign Productivity Secrets: 10 Techniques You Can't Afford Not to Use

InDesign Productivity Secrets: 10 Techniques You Can't Afford Not to Use

This 3‑hour work­shop will teach you 10 amaz­ing pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tech­niques to speed your work in InDesign CS4/CS5/CS5.5 and reduce repet­i­tive, wast­ed effort. Real World InDesign Productivity Secrets will have you spend­ing less time on the bor­ing, repeative, creativity-sucking tasks and more time doing what you love: being cre­ative in InDesign for print design, tablet pub­lish­ing, ebook pub­lish­ing, and any oth­er use you have for InDesign.

InFree: 25 Freebies for InDesign

InFree: 25 Freebies for InDesign

You’ll walk away from this sem­i­nar with a vir­tu­al good­ie bag of royalty-free, ready to use free media, fonts, scripts, plug-ins, and oth­er resources you can put to work in your projects today! Armed with these top qual­i­ty free­bies you’ll save sev­er­al times more than the cost of attending!

Workshop: InDesign Special Effects

InDesign Creative & Fun Special Effects

Ever want­ed to put pho­tographs inside text or cre­ate stamped or cutout text for your brochures? How about cre­at­ing cast shad­ows of text for fliers? Making your own hol­i­day cards or invi­ta­tions? Why not cre­ate a col­lage of images inside the shape of a jack-o-lantern, valen­tine, or any shape? In this online course you’ll learn how to do all of that and more in just a few easy steps in Adobe InDesign CS4/CS5/CS5.5.

The ePublishing Workflow Webinar

ePublishing Workflow Webinar

The Digital Publishing mar­ket is explod­ing, so it’s now more impor­tant than ever to learn how to cre­ate e‑books, e‑magazines, e‑catalogs, and more. The ePublishing Workflow Webinar will give you the skills you need to stay rel­e­vant and on top of this sec­ond dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing revolution.

InDesign to iPad Digital Publishing and Deployment, Start to Finish Webinar

InDesign to iPad: Digital Magazine Design & Deployment, Start to Finish

A Master Class inten­sive 2‑day sem­i­nar using InDesign, Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Aquafadas, and more to go from blank page through to pro­duc­ing a pol­ished inter­ac­tive dig­i­tal mag­a­zine run­ning on the iPad. The same pub­li­ca­tion will also run on Android-based tablets like the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the Motorola Xoom, and oth­er tablets. This course teach­es afford­able dig­i­tal magazine/catalog pro­duc­tion, not only Adobe’s $495 month­ly option.

The Truth About Copyright (and Trademark) for Creative Professionals

Copyright for Creative Professionals, the Truth

Graphic design­ers, Web design­ers, artists, writ­ers, and oth­er cre­ative pro­fes­sion­als today are awash in con­flict­ing, mis­lead­ing infor­ma­tion about copy­right and trade­mark. This webi­nar will give you the truth from actu­al intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty attorneys—truth you need in order to know and enforce your rights, save your busi­ness, and to stay out of court and out of jail.